Welcome to the capitol

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We went to sleep in our sleeping area. I couldn't sleep. Instead I lied there thinking what Gavin was doing. Did Tressa take care of him? Or was he home alone with dad. I just wanted to meet him.

I walk out of the bed and back to the dining car. And I sit down in one of the couches.

It's dark outside the small windows and there wasn't much you could see.

I must have fallen asleep cause then I hear Clamonia's bright voice coming inside the car.

"Wakie Wakie! We will soon be in the capitol and then we have to show our biggest smiles." she say and clap her hands. I look up and see that Fergus is sitting by the table. I must have missed when he came.

I sat down at the table and took some breakfast. There was scones and lots of marmelade. A real luxury meal. I could be happy at home if I even found a piece of bread for a good price.

Cecelia and Woof came inside and sat down to eat too. I looked at Cecelia and she looked nicer now. I could picture her as a mum. She actually looked a little like my own mum. If she just knew how me and my brothers life was now.

"We have five minutes before we get to the capitol so please make yourself look presentable." Clamonia say and give as a smiled that showed that how we were looking now wasn't okay.

I finnish my breakfast and go back to my area of the train. I wash my face and let my hair down before I hurry towards were Clamonia was standing and shouting that we were here.

"Welcome to the capitol." she say as the train doors opens and me and Fergus follow her out to the air. Lots of capitol citizens were cheering and shouting as we walked through them towards were we would meet our prep team. We were gonna get ready for an interview and the chariot ride.

The split us and leave me to three people who are gonna take care of me and make me look more fitted for the capitol.

"Hello." I say as I meet my team. One man with bright yellow short hair and very strange eyebrows. That was Lucas. He was gonna do my make up and nails. Then there was a skinny tall girl with long curly green hair and a big green bow on the top. She also had some strange golden tattoo on her left cheak. I think she was called Sparcia and she was gonna do my waxing.

And at last I got one more girl, Triffy, who was gonna do my hair. She was a very small dark girl who had bright golden lips and big purple hair. All of them were wearing strange clothes which I think was very usual in the capitol.

They stripped me dowm totally naked, I was not used to show that much of myself so I felt very uncomfortable. They lay me down on a cold bench and start waxing and cutting my hair. I was not used of this and it was a real pain doing the waxing. Then they do my eyebrows and wash me of a last time.

My prep team wasn't really so much for talking. But as I was finnished and lied there naked washed and clean, they tell me to wait for my stylist.

They leave me in a small room and I don't know what I was gonna do so I keep lying there until someone comes in. Then I sit up and the man that came in gives me a towel to put around me.

"I'm Higard, I am gonna be your stylist." he say with a wide smile and give me a hug. He was dressed in a pink suit and had brown hair with small stripes of blue. He was a bit round and had big cheaks and a big nose.

"I'm Ashleen." I say and I was not really ready for that hug.

"Well let me see you my dear!" he say and I put out my arms and do a turn.

"Very good! You have a perfect figure. And you come from my favorite district. Eight. Just because you make faboulous fabrics and clothes. So for the chariot ride, I will give you the high fashion style made of your fabric." he say and point at me with a big flirty smile. I don't know what I would feel about that. The fashion of the stylists in the caoitol was a little... odd, I think. Atleast from what I've seen.

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