Into the arena

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I did actually sleep this night. But Fergus was gone as I woke up. I walked out to the diningroom and sat down to eat. Fergus smiled as he saw me.

"So. My lovely tributes," Clamonia say now dressed in a white wig and a light yellow dress and bright blue lips. "This is our last meal. After breakfast they will get you dressed and send you to the arena. So this might be the last time I see you two. So I just wanna say that I've had a great time and I wish you both the best." She say and put her hands on each of our hand. I take a breath and try to eat something. I would miss this food. Who knew when and what my next meal would be.

After breakfast, just as she said, they came and picked us up. Our mentors followed us. We got dressed in some kind of warm clothes which was also protected against the wind. And they put up my hair in to a braided ponytail.

"I would guess on the forest or meddow." Cecelia say and help me on with my jacket.

"Don't get panick as they put you in the pipe. Just focuse on breathing and to find a bag with only the things you need. Then it's up to you. Run as far away as possible or fight in the bloodbath. Don't step down before the sirens sound and don't trust anyone." She say and look me in the eyes. Then she take a look at me and give me a hug.

"You are stronger than most of the tributes I've met. I believe in you." She say and let go.

"Have faith in yourself." She say and then give me away to the peacekeepers to take me to the plane.

I was gonna miss Cecelia. She was the nicest of all the people I met so far around the games.

They put me on a seat next to another tribute, Alba, from district one. She grins at me and wink at Cherry, the girl from two.

One peacekeeper walk around and inject some sort of metalpiece into our arm. It was the trackers. So the game leader could keep an eye on us.

She came up to me and took a hard grip of my arm. Then she pushed a button and the metal got pressed into my arm.

I look at Fergus who was sitting a bit further away. He looked just as he used to, calm and relaxed. I lean back to the hard wall and look at my finger. I was still wearing my ring I got from Tressa. I missed her. But I couldn't loose focus now. This was real.

The plane lift and it took a long time before it landed. We were transported down to some sort of underground tunnels. But then we were gonna be seperated to a single room where the pipe would lead us up to the arena.

I hurry to catch up Fergus before they take him away.

"Bye Fergus." I say and hug him. This was hard. I didn't know what would be next. Would we die? Could we survive? I had no idea but I had to say goodbye to him before.

"Bye Ashleen! I'll see you soon." He say and kiss my hair. There was no worse place than this to realise it but.. I think I loved him. I think I always had. But now. In this moment, I knew it.

"Fergus.." I say slowly and let go of his grip. "I love you." I say and in that moment my peacekeeper take my arm and drag me into a room. I only saw Fergus eyes before the door closed. He smiled.

What was gonna happen now?

I was left alone in the room and I did my best to calm down to normal breathings. After a moment, the door opens and Higard walks in.

"Hey love." He say and walk up and give me a hug and kiss my cheak.

"May the odds be ever in your favor." He say and smile.
"Thanks Higard I apriciate that." I say and now we can hear a sound of seconds counting down to zero from sixthy.

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