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The next day was training. We went to the training hall to learn almost everything. Our trainer told us about how importent it was to know both to fight and what to eat and stay warm. I stod beside Fergus watching the other tributes. Some of the districts had really big muscular boys and good fighting girls.

Me.and Fergus sticked together and watch the others doing what they were good at. There was this girl from two. She had black short hair and a wide grin. She was really good with the bow. I think I really need to try something to be able to stay alive on the arena.

I look at Fergus and he is looking at the little boy from eleven. He must be the youngest here and he looked scared. He was short and red haired with frinkles. He stod hidden behind a wall of weapons. Fergus leave me alone and I see that he is walking over to the little boy.

I stand alone. Everyone is smirking at me and I look around to see what I could do. I see a corner with sword and knifes. I slowly grab some knifes and walk over to the practising area.

I look at the doll standing a few meters away from me. I hold the knife in my hand and take a deep breath before I throw it towards the doll. No hit. I try again but still no hit.

Then I feel a hand on my waist.

"Relax. This is just training. Nobody will get hurt if you shoot a doll." It was Fergus whispering in my ear. I close my eyes and slowly release the grip around the knife as I throw it away. Then I can feel Fergus smile and I open my eyes.

"See! It wasn't that hard." He say and then he walk away to a group of tributes by the nature area.

I stand there looking at the knife that had hit right in the head of the doll. Then I go back with the other knifes and try something else. A sort of herbs quiz. Some herbs could be good to know about. But we still didn't know how the arena would look. It could be almost any climate. Snow, desert. You had to be prepeared for everything.

I think I knew some of the unpoisened berries and herbs now so I could have a small chance of finding food.

After practise, we return back to our floor. Our mentors and Clamonia is waiting.

"Hello my darlings!" Clamonia say and smile as we come and sit down by the dinner table.

"Woof will be talking to you after dinner, Ashleen." She say and we start eating. Woof was the mentor I really couldn't get a grip on. He was very quiet and kept for himself.

But after finnishing my food, I follow him to the livingroom.

"Anything to tell me?" I say and look at Woof. He didn't look like he even wanted to say anything but then he open his mouth.

"You know this is a competition and only one can win. There is a big chance you might be dead within the first ten minutes. There is always a bloodbath, and I am absolutly sure there will be one this year too. So my idea is that you take what you need and run. As far away as you can come from the allied. Unless you want a bloodbath and are sure that you can protect yourself. Then you can just do what you want." He say and take up a glass of whiskey from the table.

"So you tell me to run?" I say and remember what Cecelia had told me. No feelings and no hiding.

"That's right, and don't trust anyone. People change in there and I am sure that everyone you meet there will most of all kill you to get out." He say and I look at him as he fill one more glass of whiskey.

"That was it." He say and lean back in the couch. I look at him and he is about to fall asleep so I walk away to my room.

So what I knew know was run don't hide, don't fight, fight. ..

Panem today, panem tomorrow, panem forever (a hunger games fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now