Remember me

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Fergus and I just sat under that tree. We both knew what had to happen. There could only be one victor.

"If I die." Fergus say and lean his head to the tree.

"Please don't say so." I say and push myself out of his arms.

"But if." He say and I stand up and look at the sky. The blue sky was so real. One could almost think it wasn't an arena.

"Please remember me as I used to be at home. Like a brother." He say and I turn around and look at him.

"I can't do that!" I say and shake my head. He looks at me.

"I can't shut all these feelings out. You are not just a brother to me." I say and he stands up and walk towards me.

"You have never been just a brother to me. I will remember you forever and these feelings I have can't go away." I say and now he put his hand on my cheak and I look down on the ground.

"You can't say you are gonna die. Not now." I say and look up at his smiling face.

"I love you Ashleen Riwendell." He say and press his lips soft to mine.

I grab his neck and press him harder to me.

I loved him too. I wanted both of us to live. I wanted us to return home. To live as we used to in district eight.

There were so much i wanted. But right now. All I wanted was for him to stay alive with me.

He let me go and smile.

"Ready to stop this?" He say and grin while he looks at the top of the mountain. I nod. I were ready even if I didn't want to.

We took on our bags and start walking to the top. We were walking with our knifes and spieres ready. We didn't know which of the tributes that were alive. They could be anywhere.

We stop behind a bigger tree just by the top. Further away was the cornucopia. I could see a girl sitting outside the mouth of the cornucopia. It looked like Cherry.

Then I see another face hiding in a tree further away. It was also a girl.

Then there comes a boy running out from the woods. I guess all of the tributes were somewhere up here.

The boy looked like the boy from two. The grissleybear as i liked to call him.

Cherry gets up from her seat and shout something to him.

They grab their bags and start running away to the woods.

"Why?" I ask and look at Fergus.

"Something is wrong. They wouldn't leave just like that." He say and look around.

Then two girls comes running out from the woods towards the cornucopia. It was the girl from three and the girl from four. Had they splitted the alliance? They see eachother but keep running towards the cornucopia. But when they reach the opening and one of them dissapears inside the cornucopia. It is exploding in to a cloud of smoke. Me and Fergus are being thrown a few meters and land hard on the ground. My ears were buzzing and I look to see Fergus.

He was lying on the ground and I crawl to him and grab his hand.

We were only four left now.

He looks at me and smile.

"Told you something was wrong." He say and laugh. I couldn't underatans how he could be so positive with all this.

I stand up and brush away the durt before I help Fergus up on his feet.

I look towards the cornucopia. It was burned down to the ground and pieces of bodies and weapons were lying spred out on the ground. It was not a nice sight.

"If we hurry. We might find some food or weapons in the fire." Fergus say and start to run towards what was left of the cornucopia. I slowly follow him.

I didn't look down as we pass the dead bodies. I only searched for a knife or maybe a bow.

But then a spiere is being hit right pass my ear and it hit up a small scar on my left ear.

"Fergus!" I shout and look behind me. It was the boy from two. He was back.

Fergus start throwing his knife towards him but the boy just keep his eyes on me.

I grab the spiere and throw it towards him. I was to frightened to hit right.

"Come on Ashleen. You can do it!" Fergus shout at me. The boy was getting closer to me. But then he turn and look at Fergus and then grin at me. He take his knife and throw it right at Fergus.

My eyes were widening and I run up to the boy and stick my knife right into his cheast. I see how his grin slowly dissapear and he fall to the ground. I let go of the knife and run as fast as I can towards Fergus.

"No!" I scream as I see the knife stuck in his stomach. I hurry up to him and he slowly fall down to the ground.

The tears were streaming down my face now. I take him in my arms and hug him.

"Don't do this to me." I whisper and  he look up at me with a smile.

"I love you Ashleen." He say and a tear falls down his cheak.

"No! No! You can't leave me." I say and kiss his forehead.

"You will win. Do this for me." He say and I look into his deep green eyes. He was smiling at me.

"But I can't live without you!" I say and strike his hair while I am crying.

"I know you can." He say and put his hand on my cheak.

"You are Ashleen Riwendell. My only true love." He say and look up at the sky.

"But I love you!" I say and hug him.

"Then you will win." He say quiet before he take his last breath and I feel how is losing his streangth and the life is, just as in every other time in here, being taken away from him. But this tribute was different. This tribute was the love of my life. The person I could not survive without.

He had left me. The canon is heard and I am fighting to get my breath. He was really gone now.

"We meet again blondie." I hear a voice behind me and I turn around. It was Cherry.

"Only you and me now." She say and take out her bow and grin at me.

I was to angry now. They had taken away Fergus. I were gonna win this for him. I were gonna kill her.

I stand up beside Fergus body and take up my knife.

"You are so stupid." She say and I can feel my anger burn inside me. Someone had to suffer from what I had gone through. And that person was gonna be her.

"Really?" I say and walk a few steps closer.

"Yeah. I always saw you as an easy target. So seeing you here now is just so.... funny." She say and laugh. But that laugh. I couldn't listen to it.

I run towards her and hit her down to the ground. She didn't have time to shoot an arrow. Instead she take out her own knife and I am trying to hit her. She was gonna die.

"Your friend killed him!" I shout at her. I can see how her eyes are starting to show some fear and I only laugh.

"Please! I didn't do it."she say and she start sounding frightened.

"You will die! Just as him!" I say and press down her hands with my knees and reach up with my knife.

Then I press it right through her throat and I see her starting to cough blood.

I hit her again untill I hear the canon and then I leave her and fall down to the ground crying.

I run up to Fergus. He was still lying there. I close his eyes and take out the knife. I try to hide the blood. I didn't wanna see him like this.

He couldn't be dead.

I dry away his tear and kiss his lips one last time.

"I will always remember you." I whisper at him.

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