Still alive

22 1 0

I wake up early and pack my things and then sneak out from my hidingplace.

Now I ran to a different direction then what the alliance had walked. Maybe I could be safe then. I go for hours and only stop when I need water and food. They had lots of berries but I knew which of them I should stay away from. I couldn't relax for a minute. Wherever I went I always felt hunted.

I found a big oak in what I think was the north end of the arena. I had a rope in my bag. I didn't get so much sleep at the night so I tie myself to one of the branches and try to sleep. I hear the sound of a canon and wake up. I look around and feel a drop of rain touching my face.

Was it raining?

It comes more rain and suddenly it is like someone has turned a bottle of water upside down.

I pack my bag again and climb down from the tree. I fall the last meters. The tree had turned all slippery of all the rain.

I hurry to search for some place to hide but then a thunder sound in the sky and a lightning hit a tree just in front of me. It set fire and fall downs almost over me but I hurry the other way.

The rain made my face all wet and I couldn't see anything.

I hear a new thunder and hurry to run as fast as I can. It looks like the sun was shining on the other side of the lake. A new lightning hit a tree and fall down behind me. Were they trying to kill me on purpose? I run the fastest I can and jump down in the lake as a burning tree fall down right over me in the water and I am pushed down towards the bottom of the lake. I fight to get away from the tree but the bag is stuck in a branch and I feel the tree pulling me deeper down into to the lake. I fight down and hurry to break the branch and take the bag before I swim as hard as I can up to the surface.

I gasp for air and fight to swim towards the stones.

"There is someone!" Someone shout and before I even get enough air I dive down in the water and swim as fast as possible towards land. The rain had stoped and no more lightnings. I jump up from the water and run the fastest I can.

I hear shouting and running in the water behind me and I just run without knowing where. I look back and see them following me. But then somethinh hit one of them and a canon is heard. Who was shoting at them. Was somone helping me? But  Then something hit my leg and I fall down on my stomach. God that hurt!

I look down on my leg. Someone had hit me with a knife. I look to see the people following me. I take out the knife and make a small scream at the same time as I fight myself up on my feets. I hear them shout behind me and I stumble towards a high tree. I needed to rest. There were no way I would be able to run with this leg. I put the knife in my pocket and start climbing. My leg hurted so much and I was fighting not to fall down. My tears was fighting their way out of my eyes and I couldn't stand the pain.

"Hey! Blondie!" Cherry shout from the ground. I couldn't look down. If I did I would fall.

"Hit by the pain?" Alba shout and they all grin.

"Hey! Look there!" The boy from four shout and point his spear towards a tree further away where I could see someone running away.

They start running after and screaming.

"We'll be back blondie! I promice!" Cherry shout and I sit down on a branch resting for a moment. My leg was pounding of pain and I had to close my eyes to try and shut out the pain.

My pants were broken and blood was streaming from where the knife had hit. It really hurted. I take out the jacket from my bag and start tie it around so I wouldn't loose too much blood.

I needed to get out of here. They would be back and I would not be able to save myself if they could climb.

I fight myself down from the tree. I couldn't walk. But i did my best to try and run. I pass the water. I needed to get to the other side of the mountain. The water was streaming on my leg and I was fighting myself over to the other side.

Now I could see the cornucopia. The alliance must have left someone to look after all the supplice. I follow the sea as far as I had energy to. I was almost passing out from the pain and I had not eaten so much this day. It felt like week would have past but I guess the game leader choose to make this day extra long. I hear a sound behind me and try to turn around but I stumble on a root and fall backwards on a rock and pass out.

I wake up when it's dark. The stars were shining and I could feel a pain in my head. I groan in pain and try to get up. Something was wrapped around my head. I touch the back of my head and feel that it's wet. Or maybe that was blood. I could have been so close to die. Who had helped me with this and why?

The sky light up and for the second time I hear the music from panem and pictures of tributes.

The girl from eleven and the boy from one.  He must have been the one who died while they were chasing me. And also the girl from three.

Thank god that boy from one was dead. I didn't wanna feel so. But they were frightening. But who killed him?

The lights go down and return to a cold dark night.

My head ached and so did also my leg. I was really dizzy and suddenly I fall back to sleep.

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