the train

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I stod there frozen to the spot. Tressa was squeezing my hand hard before I let her go and followed the peacekeepers to the stage.

I walk slowly up the stairs and look out over all the people. It was like looking at peopke waiting for their execution.

I looked at Gavin. He looked so sad and I press my lips together and give him a half smile.

"So! Our female tribute is Ashleen Riwendell. Lets take the male tribute, shall we?" she say with a smile and walk over to the next bowl.

She do a smile before she grab a paper from the bottom of the bowl.

Then she walk up to the microphone.

"The male tribute of district eight. Is." she unfold the paper piece and say the name out loud.

"Fergus Allerdice!" she say and look around the crowd for the boy.

Fergus. This couldn't be true. Was I going to have to fight against Fergus. I stand there just looking ahead. But the inside part of me were screaming. The odds were not in my favor this year.

He walks up on the stage and I look him in the eyes. He looked as terrified as me.

"So now we have our male and female tribute for district eight. let's shake hands." she say and I raise out my hand and grab Fergus hand. This wasn't real.

"Happy Hunger games! And may the odds be ever in your favor." she say with her happy and excited capital accent before they take us in through the doors and each of us get a room in the hallway.

They close the door behind me and I stand alone inside. There was a table and a window. I was still in chock. And I couldn't really get a grip of my feelings.

Then they open the door.

"Three minutes." they say and Gavin comes running inside and I hug him hard. He was crying.

"You promiced to never leave me." he say through his crying.

"It's okay. It's okay." I say and try to make him stop crying. I wasn't gonna keep my promice unless I killed someone. And I couldn't picture myself taking away someones life.

"You can win. You are brave. Just as when you stand up for dad." he say and looks up in to my eyes.

"I can't kill them." I say and hug him again. I didn't wanna cry. If this was the last thing I saw of him. Then I had to be strong. For him.

"Follow Tressa. She will take care of you. She will keep you safe." I say and let him go. But he don't want to.

"Don't bother about father. Go live with the family Allerdice, they will help you." I say and give him a last hug.

The door opens and the peacekeepers comes in to take Gavin.

"Ashleen!" he shout and I have a tear on my cheak.

"You'll be safe!" I say just as the door closes. And I stand there pushing away my tears. Then the door opens again and Tressa comes in. She runs to me and hug me hard.

"I will let him win. I can't let him die." I say and she just cry.

"But I can't lose you." she say and hug me hard.

"The odds are not in out favor." I say and hug her really hard. Then she takes something out from her pocket.

It was a silver ring. With three words on it. never lose hope.

"Take this. I trust you to do the right thing." she say and put the ring in my hand.

"I'll take care of Gavin. Don't worry. He'll be safe." she say and hug me hard again.

Panem today, panem tomorrow, panem forever (a hunger games fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now