Our Son (Part 44)

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It’s been a month…a fucken month and that video is still trending there was a funeral the queen passed away but the only thing trending is the romantic Fucken Vusimuzi Mngomezulu. I thought Vusi hated his wife but I was wrong. When he told me I should call his wife and make arrangements with her I thought he was joking till he blocked my number. I cant get through to him at all and I have tried so many things to get to him but nothing … he is worse than Mmelokuhle. 

Who knew I would be this pissed off with Vusi he was always the stupid one compared to Mmelokuhle his greed lead him to hate everyone and do things without thinking now he is completely a new person who wears suits and expensive watches. Right now I’m running low on money and I’m horny as hell. I wont be raising this baby alone that I know so  today I’m going to go there and get what’s mine. Vusi has another thing coming if he thinks I will let him slide like that.

This baby is my ticket for a better future. If I cant have Mmelokuhle then Vusi it is… one of them will be mine and I will be a Mngomezulu no matter what.


“I’m here to see Mr Mngomezulu.”

“I’m sorry and you are?” Her name tag is written Mpho if I remember correctly she was that womans’ PA.

“Mpho… I am here to see Mr Mngomezulu. Please take your phone and call his PA and find out if he is available. Unless you want me to go up there myself.” She calls someone after she rolls her eyes at me.

“Hey Kabelo is the boss back? There’s someone here for him.” 

I can’t hear what the other person is saying but I’m so irritated right now. She is laughing at me. Bitch!

“Is he available?” I ask.

“Unfortunately not. He went out with his wife.”


“When will he be back I don’t mind waiting.”

“I’m not sure but you make an appointment to see him tomorrow.”

“No I’ll sit over there and wait for him.” I don’t wait for this bitch to respond to me. I settle on the couch and wait for him. 

Still trending this is really frustrating they even created a hash tag challenge because of how he was so romantic. This was a month ago but it’s still buzzing. 

I hear people talking and laughing. It’s them. He looks different…good different. I watch as he holds her waist going to the elevator.

“Mr Mngomezulu someone is here to see you but I told her she can come back tomorrow after she makes an appointment.”

“Who is it Mpho?”

She points at me and they both turn to look. She’s very beautiful but plain for him. What’s wrong with these Mngomezulu men going for the plain Jane’s? I mean this is a definite downgrade from me to that. Even Mmelokuhle himself the mighty untouchable king downgraded to that woman who can’t be named.

“Mbali…what are you doing here?”

“I couldn’t get hold of you so I’m here. We need to talk Vusi.” I say to him but he is looking at her.

“Can we do this now?”

“Yes I don’t mind.” I say.

“Actually I wasn’t asking you.” He says and turn to look at her.

“Babe are you fine with this?” WTF! Why does he need her permission to talk about his baby. I made this baby with him and not with her.

“Can we go to your office please?”

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