Our Son (Part 54)

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Chapter 54


I went back home after Nobuhle’s party, Mmelokuhle threw a fit and he didn’t speak to me for a week after I decided to take our son back home for our wedding proceedings. He got angry that he wasn’t going to have access to me with me being at my parents’ house, it was so funny when he begged me to move back to my house instead of here. But I had to move back so we can finally start our lives. I told him to be strong and just hang in there because once we were done with everything, our lives will finally be smooth without drama.

I’m still very much pregnant and I haven’t even connected with my baby yet. I try to ignore the fact that I am carrying another human being inside me. We decided to just tell our parents and Nkazimulo that I am expecting and no one else, not even my sisters and we don’t keep things like this to ourselves.

It’s been a week since the lobola negotiations took place. Yes, I had my third lobola paid to my parents last week, ridiculous if I must say but the man, I’m getting married too said everything must go accordingly. Well, it never really bothered me that it was just my parents, my sisters, and my sons that I considered to be my family since all the relatives we had distanced themselves from us, until when Ngobese told my father that he needed hiss brothers to be part of the negotiations, for what I don’t know. My dad had to go and humble himself to people who didn’t like him but only tolerated him since they all have the same blood running through their veins, I don’t know what problem they have with my mother for them to abandon their brother all because he chose the love of his life, but anyway that’s life not everyone is going to be for you or the decisions you take that will benefit you. Do what makes you happy and forget everyone one. 

My father refused to go to them, he said he will manage on his own and that was against Ngobese’s word. So as the first born that I am and the fact that my mother always said he only listens to me. I took that as an advantage and drove to my uncle’s house with him not knowing and he only found out when we were there. He got mad I tell you, but I just wanted everything to run smooth with no hiccups, so I did what I had to do.

Let me tell you something, your name talks, the name you have or get married too speaks volumes, when you talk people stop whatever they are doing and listen. That’s what happened when we arrived at their house. My aunt was running around, using plates that are only kept for ‘special occasions’. She was behaving as if the Queen had entered her house…oh well I did enter her house, see what I did there. This is the same person who created all the hatred between the brothers because she was the one who had a problem with my mother then she turned everyone against her, except my father. The same person who is asking me if I am fine right now and even asking about my mother, shocking I tell you. I only asked once and he promised to get the other brothers and all of them will come, and they all did, even the aunts came to help. I still say your name talks.

After the negotiations, the Mngomezulu family asked that I return to the palace with them to finalize everything. Le nyongo lebeba khala ngayo, sengigcotshiwe ngayo.  I am completely a Mngomezulu makoti according to their customs. I was even cleanse because of the baby I lost. 

Today I am getting married to the love of my life and I cannot wait. We started off intensely, we just went through with it, no dates no courting nothing but we fell in love. When we first met, I wanted nothing from him, in fact I wanted to run away from him when he started being clingy and plus, he had a girlfriend at the time. One drunken night and me being horny for the whole century led us to this moment right now. I am getting ready to marry my best friend.

They are back again. 

I feel their presence. All of them

“Okay, what would you like to look like, not that you need any make up, but your face is going to be all over for the rest of our lives.” Noah asks me. The royal duo is back to dress the royal princess, all my sisters are my bride maids. I chose not to have a maid of honour to avoid drama between Thuli and Nomusa, it would have been World War ten thousand. For peace of mind and a spectacular wedding, I lied and told them that I took my chances with having them as bride maids because I was only allowed to have young girls as my bridesmaids, well it is kinda true that I had to have young girls, remember when I said it was about time, they all bowed down to me? it happened the very same day I was welcomed home, all of them returned, only to me though. The connection between them and everyone who can connect to them is still blocked, by me. Even Ngobese still can’t get through them, I was the one who showed him the way to the Mngomezulu River for him to cleanse me and bless my married. I know he did what he learnt over the years to make the process successful not what he was told to do that day, and he thinks I don’t know this. I know everything now. 

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