Chapter 9: Getting The Child Back

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I gave him a smile, while Mando offered a firm nod. As soon as Kuiil left, Mando made his way towards the ladder, taking the child with him. As I made my way up the ladder, I noticed R8 prepared to join me. Remembering what I told Mando, I looked down at R8.

"I'm sorry, R8. But you'll have to stay here in the cargo hold." I urged.

R8 let out a low sad beep, causing my heart to break. I hated to see him like this, but Mando didn't like R8 and we desperately needed a ride, so I had to keep R8 away from Mando, not wanting to be kicked out.

"R8, please don't make this more difficult for me. You must stay here." I pleaded.

R8 let out a low beep, understanding me and agreeing to stay down here. I gave him a sympathetic smile. "Thank you, R8. And don't worry, we'll be out of here soon. Pretty soon, you'll never have to see him ever again."

R8 let out an excited high pitch beep, causing me to chuckle. He seemed to like not seeing Mando ever again. I then climbed up the ladder, which lead me down a small hallway into the cockpit. The child was in his cradle on a chair beside another chair, which was empty. In front of those two chairs was the pilot's chair, where Mando sat behind. There was a huge table of controls along with a huge window with the beautiful view of the stars all around us. I sat down in the chair next to the child. Mando must've heard the door opening and closing, because he turned his chair around to face me. He glanced around, no doubt looking for R8.

"He's not here. I left R8 in the cargo hold." I assured him.

Mando merely gave me a nod before turning back around to face his controls. We sat there in silence for majority of the ride. After what felt like an hour, a hologram of a man with a mustache with a jacket appeared above his controls.

"Mando, I've received your transmission. Wonderful news. Upon your return, deliver the quarry directly to the client." He said before letting out a laugh. "I have no idea if he wants to eat it or hang it on his wall, but he's very angsty."

I grimaced. That didn't sound very promising. I then noticed the child climbing out of his cradle, making his way up onto the controls. He reaching for a silver ball from a joystick. I refrained from getting up and grabbing him from the controls. But I had a feeling that Mando wouldn't like this...

"Safe passage! You know where to find me." He added.

The hologram then vanished. Mando then noticed the child up on the controls with the ball now in his hands. Mando quickly snatched the ball from his grasp.

"It's not a toy." Mando scolded.

He then grabbed the child by his coat, putting him back in his cradle. I winced. He could've been more gentle with him. This man doesn't care about the kid, all he cares about is getting paid. Remembering my father's words, I stood up from the chair. "Let me take him off your hands. I'll keep an eye on him."

Mando turned to face me. He gave me a nod. I then gently grabbed the cradle and the child before climbing down the ladder. Once we were in the cargo hold, I carefully picked the child from the cradle. The child looked up at me as he let out a coo, tilting his head as he inspected me. He raised a hand up towards my face, placing it on my cheek. I wasn't sure how, but I could feel his emotions. I sensed his fear, his pain, and even some happiness, causing my heart to clench. Once we land, I need to get him away from Mando. I don't know how, but I'll make sure he's safe.

I felt my heart beating faster, nervous to execute my plan. I took a deep shaky breath. I can do this. I'm doing this for my father. I have to do this. With that in mind, I kept the child close to me. Once we landed, I glanced over at R8.

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