Chapter 24: Returning Home

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~Ayla/Mandy's P.O.V.~

I worked at the hospital for a while until I was able to get enough money to leave the planet, arriving on a planet called Corellia. I found a place in Coronet City, in a village district. I worked as an engineer and technician at the spaceport. I lived next to an old couple named Zana and Bren Novar. They reminded me of Coulson and May as he'd tell dad jokes, and they way they bantered with one another. The couple lived next door to me. I had offered to help them out in any way I could, whether it was with groceries or helping to clean up their place. One night, I was returning from the spaceport, making my way back to my temporary home until I could get back to my actual home.

I was wearing my Alderaanian cloak over a worn out beige shirt, a black vest, brown pants, black boots, a belt along with a holster, brown fingerless gloves, and a small bag that I carried across my shoulders. As I walked into the district, I saw people walking around under the streetlights and neon signs in what in Aurebesh, which I quickly picked up. There were vendors, selling food, clothing, or other goods. Once I reached my home, I punched in the key into the datapad before the door opened. My home was small, containing a kitchen, one bedroom, and a living room. I hadn't bought much, since there was no point as I'd be leaving soon. Or that's what I wanted to think, but the pay was slower than I thought.

I trudged through the living room and into the kitchen to find something to eat. I found a ration pack, which consisted of veg-meat and polystarch bread. It wasn't long until I grew accustomed to the stale taste. As I ate, there was a knock on the door. Baffled, I walked over towards the door, opening it up to reveal Zana and Bren.

"Zana? Bren? Come on in." I urged.

As soon as they were inside, I glanced over to the kitchen. "Do you want some water? Ration packs?"

Zana gave me a motherly look as she shook her head. "Please tell me that's not all you're eating?"

I wore a sheepish smile. "It's no biggie. I've eaten worse."

Bren walked towards the kitchen. "No, no, no, this will never do."

He then prepares a meal out of the ration packs, baffling me. But it was another thing that reminded of Coulson. When I was undercover at Hydra, Coulson often came by to see how I was doing, and he was disappointed when he saw what I was eating. He quickly grabbed groceries and offered to debrief. I miss him and the rest of my team, they're practically family. As we ate, I watched as Bren and Zana exchanged looks, confusing me.

"Is something wrong?" I questioned.

At first, they both remained silent, making me worried. Bren and Zana then turned to face me. Zana spoke up, breaking the long silence. "Zana and I have managed to save up some credits...for you."

"We remembered you talking about how you were working to gather enough money to leave the planet." Zana explained.

"But why?" I questioned.

"You're young, you still have much to accomplish, to do." Bren added.

"You deserve to return to your home, just like you said." Zana mentioned.

Bren then handed me a bag, sliding it across the table as he explained what was inside the bag. "All the credits are in there, plus some snacks for the trip." 

I stared at them in awe and shock. They were helping me out, even when I didn't ask for any. I was truly grateful, but I can't take this, they deserve and need it more than me. With that in mind, I immediately protested. "I...I can't take this."

"You can and you will." Zana insisted, leaving no room for discussion.

Knowing I wasn't going to change their mind, I took the bag, giving them a smile. "Thank you so much. I appreciate this."

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