Chapter 14: Taking Down The Raiders

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I fought back tears. There were times when I felt hopeless and this was one of those times. I didn't know what to think or do. Mando hesitated before reaching out, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I may have not known you for long, but I know you are incredibly kind, a pain in the ass and very stubborn, but you are very caring to the kid." Mando mentioned. "And like you told me, I will be here for you."

I cracked a smile. "Thanks, Mando. You know, you're a great friend."

I watched as Mando's shoulders dropped, but he quickly spoke up, fumbling over his words. "Uh, yeah, thanks. Hey, uh, I should take the kid back...It's, um, getting late."

Before I could say a word, Mando scooped the child up from the ground. The kid turned to face me, waving his small hand, letting out a soft coo. I smiled. "Goodnight, little one."

"Goodnight, Ayla...oh, uh, I mean Mandy." Mando corrected himself, sounding like a nervous wreck.

I gave him a sympathetic smile, placing a hand on his shoulder to stop his rambling. "Mando, it's all right."

Mando tensed, taking a step back. He then gave me a nod before hastily taking the child back to his home, leaving R8 and me, baffled. Did I do or say something wrong? R8 let out several beeps, saying maybe he wasn't use to having a friend before since he was on his own for most his life. My heart clenched at the thought, but R8 had a point. I gently placed a hand on his head. "I think you're right, R8. That's why is best we stick around...for the kid."

R8 let out a few beeps, sarcastically saying sure we're just doing this for the kid. I gave him a glare. "Don't you start, R8. You more than anyone know that I can't fall in love again..."

R8 let out a few sad beeps, hating to see me this way, but he said nothing more, giving me space. I glanced down at my necklace, where the kyber crystal lied. I'm only doing this for my father. I'm fulfilling his promise, that's all.


A week had gone by, and we were prepared to go through the plan. Cara, Mando, and I would go to the raider's camp, lure them out from their hideout, and back towards the village. R8 would watch over the children, hiding in one of the homes, while the rest of us would fight against the raiders.

"You'll all be fine." I assured the children, giving them a smile. "R8 will take of you all and protect you."

"You going to stop the raiders with your laser sword?" Winta inquired, pointing to my father's lightsaber, which hung around my belt.

I grimaced. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I'm not a Jedi. So I gave her a smile instead as I responded. "I'm gonna do the best I can, okay?"

The child let out a whimper as he extended his hands out towards me. My heart clenched. I immediately extended a hand out towards him. The child wrapped his hand around one of my fingers. And that's when I felt his fear, his worry. My heart nearly dropped. I wanted to comfort him, assure the kid I would be fine. I leaned my forehead against his. He would have no idea how much he's already done to help me, somehow bringing my emotions back.

"I'm not going to die, little one. I will be all right." I assured him.

He let out a coo, closing his eyes. With that, I left, making my way through the village to find Mando. He stood next to Omera, who was looking up at Mando with practically heart eyes. My stomach churned at the sight. Why did I care? I mentally shook my head. I don't...Mando's just a friend. I didn't realize I was clenching my fists until Cara approached me, looking worried. "You good?"

"I'm just fine." I muttered.

Cara then followed my gaze. A smirk appeared on her face. "Oh, I see."

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