Chapter 15: The Bounty Hunter

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I continued on with the story, watching as everyone listened in fascination, even Mando, who tried to be subtle, but failed epically. As soon as I finished, I decided to retire for the night. I didn't want to return to my home yet, so I walked out into the forest. I took in a deep breath as I sat on a tree trunk. I closed my eyes, trying to empty my thoughts and focus on my breathing like I did in that memory where I opened up that holocron...

Aunt Carol looked up at Yon-Rogg, baffled. I was terrified. How could they control her powers? Yon-Rogg took a step towards her. From the corner of my eye, I watched as the Kree grabbed the Skrulls, pushing and shoving them. I clenched my fists, feeling a sudden rush of anger. They better leave my family and these innocent people alone. I wasn't sure what got into me. But I wanted them to leave us alone. With that in mind, I ran in front of the Kree.

"Mandy, no!" Mom exclaimed.

But it was too late, I extended out my hands towards the Kree, who all had their weapons pointed at me now. I had my hands out in an attempt to shield myself, since I had no weapons on me. Yon-Rogg wore an amused smile. I shouted out, glaring at Yon-Rogg. "Leave us alone! Go away!"

All of the sudden, the Kree soldiers were thrown back against the walls. I looked down at my hands in awe. Did I just do that? I glanced over at mom, Fury, Aunt Carol, and the Skrulls, who were just as surprised as I was.

"Mandy, look out!" Aunt Carol exclaimed.

But it was too late, something hard hit the back of my head, knocking me to the ground.

I let out a gasp, opening my eyes. All of the sudden, I heard rustling coming from the bushes around me. I slowly reached for my pistol around my holster, prepared to use it if necessary. However, I lowered my hand upon seeing Mando emerge from the plants.

"Were you about to shoot me?" Mando asked, sounding amused.

"Wouldn't be the first time." I quipped.

That earned a genuine chuckle from Mando. I was taken back, not expecting him to get a kick out of that. I couldn't help but crack a smile. He then approached me, sitting next to me. We sat in silence, hearing the crickets in the distance.

"I'm sorry for walking off earlier." Mando apologized, breaking the silence.

"And I'm sorry if I said anything to make you upset." I replied. "I...I'm just used to this line of work, where my life is constantly in danger...I've seen people, close friends of mine die, and there was nothing I could do. We are constantly risking our lives for our world, for my people..."

"That doesn't give you the right to go looking for trouble. You have the droid and the kid to look after." Mando reminded me. "And you've got me, too. You don't have to run into danger, at least not by yourself. We're in this together."

"Are you sure?" I inquired, rather baffled. "I'm told I can be a pain in the ass."

"I am sure." Mando confirmed.

My smile widened. "I'd like that then."

"Me too." Mando answered.

And so we sat in silence, enjoying each other's company without needing to say a word. Weeks went by since we defeated the raiders, Cara, Mando, and I were outside on a porch of a home. I helped the villagers out by fixing their astromech and any other machines they needed help with. I also learned quite a bit about my father through the S.S.R. files that Daisy sent over to R8. My father met and befriended Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, Sousa, and a couple others. Currently, Cara and I sat on some the chairs, while Mando was leaning against the lodging. The child was playing with R8 and the children not far from us. Omera walked towards us, handing Cara a cup of spotchka. Cara gave her a smile. "Thank you."

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