29-What if you change your mind again?

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sorry for the absence:)

Wednesday 31st May.

I woke up alone in bed, but her stuff was still here, her phone in bed with me.

She always used to do that, fall asleep her phone unplugged and, on her chest, or under her pillow or just in her freaking hand.

I used to try and find it every night to make sure it was plugged in. Because otherwise, she'd sleep in or miss lectures or especially that summer, miss calls from her parents.

I listen out, trying to figure out if the soft singing coming from the living space was her. Obviously, it was her and i could hear the radio on quietly, and instead of going straight to shower and get ready for the day, I just get out of bed and go and see what she was doing.

She was stood at the counter, cutting up some strawberries and quietly singing along with the radio. She was still in my t-shirt, her hair was up, a little messy but little bits falling out everywhere which made her look so good in the morning sun that was streaming through the window.

She looks up, smiles and then looks back down, carrying on making her breakfast. Well, there are other bowls out too, so I assume she may be making us all breakfast.

She was quietly chopping strawberries, her singing stopped and I walk into the kitchen, flicking on the kettle and I can't help it, I turn around and walk up behind her, sliding my hands over her waist.

"Why'd you stop singing?"

She shrugs, staying quiet but leans her head back, making me bend to place a small display of affection into her hair, her smell coating my senses and I step closer, pressing her back into my chest as I shamelessly enjoy hugging her from behind.

"Good morning." She breathes, laughing a little and I smile, leaning my head down and pressing my lips softly against the exposed skin on the space between her shoulder and her neck.

She lets her head fall to the side and I raise an eyebrow at the access allowed, so I press another to her neck, a little less innocently this time and she hums.

I move up, kissing just over her ear and I then I move my head away. She exhales, turning around.

I look at her curiously, she is amused, sort of.

She looks confused.

"Do I make you nervous?" She asks and my eyebrows raise.

"Excuse me?"

She lifts her hands to my chest, then leans in, her lips hovering just below mine.

"I asked if I am the one making you nervous?"

I raise an eyebrow. "You don't make me nervous."

"Your heartbeat says otherwise." She whispers, her palm over my chest.

I smile at that. "What's your point Em?"

"I am not going to break," Emersyn says, leaning back against the side and I just cock my head.

"You're treating me like a am fragile. Where's my August gone?"

"Your August?"

"Yeah, the one who used to toss me on the bed and-"

I see.

I can't help but smirk.

"That August is on his best behaviour."

She narrows her eyes at me.

"I am trying to get you to fall in love with me Emersyn, my goal is not to fuck you."

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