19- It's enough, right?

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Friday 25th May

"Hey." Em huffs slumping back into the car. "I am big sad today."

I raised an eyebrow, turning on the car and lifting my hand to say a quick goodbye to Cole, he was stood by the front door watching.

"What's up?"

"Rhett is leaving." She says.

Rhett is the foster child Cole and Nove have had from the beginning of this. I thought when they said fostering a few years ago, they meant a permanent addition, they sort of just provide a warm home for those in need and then the kids usually go back to the parents.

Lottie actually hates it. She doesn't hate it, that sounds awful. But a few times they have brought children into her life that then leave after a few months, children, I mean teenagers, I guess. So, whenever Ivy and Jackson tell her there's another child coming, she is always highly unimpressed.

I feel like Emersyn feels similarly. She has a big heart, so does Lots. I guess they just get attached easily.

Emersyn and I have been working together for the whole week. Doing errands and delivering groceries for those who are struggling to get out.

It's been... good.

It's just good. Nice even.

To see her. It's slightly a mess. For me. We're keeping our distance, it's been interesting.

"I am sorry." I say. "When?"

"Tomorrow evening." She says. "It's good, like we want him to go back, obviously. But I don't know, he doesn't know if he wants to go back there, poor kid."

I frown. "How's your mum?"

"Sad too, but she always says the last day with the kids is her favourite because they are the most open with them. Dad is bummed out, but he never admits it."

I nod. "He'll wanna keep you two positive."

"Yup." Em says and she lifts her organised folder onto her lap out from her bag. She had a dress on, it was sunny, it was...nice.

Like this week, it's been nice.

I am fucking dying. Honestly, the fuck is this shit again? My head so clouded by her.

I just shake it away, watching as she concentrates on skimming the lists.

She sniggers.

"Mr and Mrs Franklin are having a wild one."

"Oh Christ. What?"

She reads me the list, getting to the last items. "Whipped cream, chocolate, strawberries."

I pull out of our street, laughing at her. "Maybe they're just making a dessert."

"Oh I am sure they are."


She laughs loudly, shaking her head. "Can you imagine the conversation 'Oh Peter, please remember to add tomorrow night's activities onto the list-"

"Emersyn they're gone sixty." I laugh and she just looks at me, her eyes alight with amusement.

"I saw the way they looked at you earlier this week." She disputes. "They're definitely into some freaky shit."

I pull a face. "I had a very nice conversation with-"

"Leo, Peter looked you up at down eight times."

"He did?" I ask amused and she nods.

"I counted and everything."

"Well then." I laugh and we make eye contact, both amused.

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