Intent - Part 2

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In the days that followed, it became common for Zaiya's song to be heard through the Nightsister's village, and she found that when she sang, her powers seemed to be more concentrated. Using this knowledge, she trained her voice, discovering more of her powers as she grew. Each night she visited with Old Daka and Mother Talzin, the powers becoming stronger every time they called upon the ichor. She gained a little strength with each session, though her small body was weakened after each session and had to begin taking a potion every morning to improve her strength. Her training with Sheena was intense, the Nightsister preparing her for the viciousness beyond their home planet. She sparred with sisters, with Nightbrothers, and as she got more skilled, she was sent out on hunts. Some of the older member of the clan guided the child, practicing her skills on larger creatures, even rancors when they could.

Every night she felt the cries and pain of her friend, she did not know how, but she could feel his fear, hear his voice.

The pain she felt was akin to that of her own training, and yet, there was so much fear, so much anger. She could see a light, weak and dim, and a figure curled into a corner. She ran, racing as fast as she could toward it, the frightened boy small and cowering.

"Stand up!" She cried, "You are stronger than this! You can escape it!" She just had to reach him and it would be alright. "I am coming, just hold on!" she leapt, there were obstacles in her way suddenly. But she would not give up. The figure shifted, and a red and black face looked up at her, eyes wide, his mouth moved, but she could not hear him. Fear crossed his face as the floor opened up below him, shadows reaching up to drag him down.

"NO!" Zaiya screamed, reaching for the boy, an act so painfully familiar. "Don't let go!" She cried, flinging herself against the side of the opening chasm. "Fight it! Don't let it win!" She reached as far as she could, her fingers brushing with his own for a moment, that warmth she recognised flowed into her for just that second of contact. "Remember, you... promised..." She grunted, though he was becoming harder and harder to see.

"I..." he managed, before a rush of darkness rose from the hole, sending her flying, and dragging him away from her... again.

The dream was enough to fuel her further. One goal in her mind's eye that she had to reach. The child grew as time passed, gaining in ability, in power and in her desires to carry out her goal. It had been so long, and she was impatient. After all this time, so many cycles and rotations, she was strong, yet still a child.

"You are not ready, Zaiya." Her mother told her, though the girl was not willing to listen.

"I am! I have trained everyday since I was small, let me take the trial!" she argued emphatically.

"No sister has ever taken it so young, you need to wait until you are grown--"

"I have done my waiting!" Zaiya cried, "The longer we wait, the longer Maul is gone and that Sidious goes without punishment! I am ready! Mother Talzin has ensured it! I can kill or tame a rancor on my own, I can transform myself like a changeling and I have gained more power and I am strong enough to take on the Rebirth Ritual!" She stood like a pouting child, but Tailli refused to listen.

"Mother Talzin is angry from her loss--"

"And you are not?!" She growled, anger flashing in her eyes as she stood against her own birth mother. "I swore an oath and I will not break it! I am ready!" She hissed, slamming a hand on the counter beside her. The small living quarters was not overly spacious and the commotion was clearly heard further into the temple.

"You have great spirit, child." came a familiar voice. The door opened and Mother Talzin stood there with a smile. "You really think you are ready to take the Crimson?" she asked slowly, a slight tilt of her head.

"Mother Talzin, please, don't do this, she is too young-!" Tailli pleaded, "There must be another...!"

"No one has been so determined as our Zaiya. If she can take the test at such an age, then she would be more than capable to venture off world to find my son." She offered, a hand resting on the child's shoulder.

"You would sacrifice my child for yours?" Tailli gasped in horror, but suddenly she was frozen in place, the green glowing smoke rising from around her. She looked to her daughter, glaring at her with hurt and angry eyes.

"You doubt me so much that you think I would die?" Zaiya growled with a fierce but low tone. "You think I am so weak and would lose myself to my fear as you have?"

"Zaiya..." Tailli stared, as though she didn't recognise the small form before her.

"You are ready." Talzin nodded, and turned away. Tailli dropped to her knees as Zaiya released her and too turned her back.

"When I succeed, hopefully you think higher of me, mother." Zaiya responded coldly, and followed Mother Talzin to the inner sanctum. Many of the sisters had gathered, they were ready to watch the ritual, and the youngest of their clan that had ever taken part in the rite. Zaiya was dressed in a ceremonial garb of draped red cloth, as well as painted on her face and arms to delve into the Sacred Waters. The anointed sisters were already chanting the prayers, calling on the Winged Goddess and Fanged God to guide the young Dathomirian along the correct path.

It was not a simple ritual, and could be quite dangerous. If she gave in to her fear or strayed from her path, she would not be able to survive the test. If she was not strong enough, or too weak-minded, she would never awaken. Zaiya knew this, however, time worked against them, and the girl was perhaps impatient, but anxious to do something other than sit around and wait. Sidious was not being idle, and she feared what the shadow would do to him. She was sure it was more than just a nightmare.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed her mother lingering beyond the ceremony area, looking pensive and fearful. Zaiya knew fear was powerful, it was never gone, but she had to control it. Blue eyes shifted to two smaller figures, looking on with equal worry to her mother, but these two were not hopeless, as she met their eyes, Feral nodded and Savage grinned, holding up his little fist to show her they believed she could do it. They were now a little older than she and Maul when he had been taken, she had to believe it wasn't too late. She would know if he were hurt or killed, she was sure of it!

Mother Talzin stood at the water's edge and waved a hand over the pool, it was a shallow pond, the water clear and glowing prepared for the ritual, already treated by herbs and the ichor commanded by the great Mother of the clan. The tall zabrak woman turned to face Zaiya as she approached, she seemed proud, and laid a large hand on Zaiya's shoulder. The child looked up into her leader's face.

"There is no turning back once you enter the water." She warned, gesturing behind her.

"I know, Mother Talzin, I am ready, I will not fail." She nodded, a serious expression on her face, it was a little out of place, considering her usual smile.

"Do not lose yourself to fear, child, only then will you return to us." With that said, Mother Talzin gestured gracefully to the pool behind her. Zaiya took a deep breath. This was it. This was the moment she had been training for, half her life to take the crimson. Anxiety pushed aside, she walked forward.

The water was warm on her white skin, rising as the girl walked deeper. Talzin approached and held out a hand, as Zaiya lay back into the water. Long, ash-white hair flowed out around her head, blue eyes closing as the magick took hold. 

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