Madness - Part 1

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The room Zaiya was escorted to was one that was likely used for small briefings, there were already six men, all identical lined up in their shiny white armour. Their faces hidden beneath their helmets, but she could feel their eyes on her. Suddenly Zaiya recalled seeing an army in white in one of her visions a long long time ago. A familiar unease gripped her heart.

"These are some of our finest Clone Commanders and Captains, Lady Siren." Nala Se gestured to them with her usual slow and methodical manner. "Introduce yourselves, please."

"Sir, yes sir!" They barked in unison, the same voice overlapping from under their helms, voice modulators crackling.

"I am CC-2224." Spoke the first clone in line, "Clone Commander of the 212th Battalion." He stepped forward and saluted.

"I am CC-1138." The next one spoke, and though he had the same voice, he sounded gruffer to the ear. Already she could see ever so slight differences between them, other than the way they looked through the nexus and felt through the force. They began to recite their numbers and regiments, and she held up a hand.

"Do you not have names?" She asked curtly. There was a pause. Nala Se spoke up.

"We believe it is more efficient to use numbers rather than names--"

"Would you mind excusing us?" Zaiya looked up at the Kaminoan. "I should like to speak to them on my own if you please."

"Lady Siren, there is no need to--"

"I insist." There was a rumble in the room, the clones looking around slightly and Nala Se froze as Zaiya's eye met her own.

"Very well, I shall be right outside." She stepped back, clearly disliking this, but as she believed Zaiya was sent by Tyranus, there would be no argument. A few moments later the door closed behind her.

"At ease, gentlemen." Zaiya instructed. It took a second but the troopers relaxed... slightly. "Make yourselves comfortable." She gestured to the seats behind them and moved to the opposite side of the large table in the centre of the room. "And... take off the helmets." Slowly they began to remove their helmets, revealing the same brown skin, wide noses and dark curly hair as her ba'vodu. Except younger. Well most of them. She noted one of them had blond hair, cut shorter than the others, she wondered if this was due to a change in the genes, another had small strips of white hair at his temples, making him seem older, if not for his youthful face. They looked like fresh-faced teenagers. She looked each of them over carefully from across the table. "You have names, yes?" She asked, gesturing to them with a wave of her hand. A few of them glanced at each other. One of them held her gaze and she recognised him as the same clone from the cafeteria.

"We... sometimes have nicknames for each other." The one designated CC-2224 stated. She turned her head expectantly. "My... brothers call me Cody."

"Commander Fox." The man next to him said, the one with the white patches of hair.

"I am Captain Ponds."

"Commander Bacara." The gruff one all but grunted, he looked rather bored.

"Captain Rex." The blond one responded.

"Wolffe." The last one was almost a bark. Rather appropriate considering the name.

"Wolffe." She repeated, "You were the one in the cafeteria, yes?" He blinked.

"How... could you tell?"

"You might look the same in most aspects... but this eye sees more." She gestured to the covered one. A few of them frowned and there were a couple of glances. She smirked under the mask and decided to see their reactions. With one gloved hand she flipped up the eyepatch. There was a collective response of wide eyes and one of them gasped before she dropped the patch down again. She probably shouldn't have done that, but the look on their faces was too amusing. They seemed wary, and the one that called himself Rex spoke up.

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