Junked - Part 2

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Zaiya looked at Maul as he turned away, her legs felt like jelly after a blistering kiss like that. How was she supposed to finish the deal when she couldn't think clearly? She flipped her eyepatch back down and straightened herself, then spotted Venn grinning like a nexu and she suddenly regretted coming to their aid earlier.

"What do I have to do to get you to kiss me like that?" Venn asked and the look that crossed Zaiya's face must have been enough because they immediately held up their hands, "I'm kidding... mostly."

Zaiya shook her head. What was she going to do with them?

Ahead was the ship they had been looking at, and Sixy seemed to be upsetting the vendor enough that he was willing to let the ship go at a steal, so long as they took the droid with them.

"Why is he so fearful?" Zaiya scoffed.

"Apparently the droid arrived a few years ago in decent condition, it was wiped and working fine, until one day it was damaged or something..." Venn shrugged, and Zaiya had to wonder how they always managed to find out information so easily. "Anyway, its leg was damaged and there was an incident when it went ballistic and killed anyone that came near it... It was screaming for you, so I hear." Zaiya pulled a face, killing people indiscriminately and she was likely to get the blame. Great.

"They discovered it wouldn't hurt kids, so there was a child on the station that managed to get a restraining bolt on it... though that dampened the effect, it still was able to defy the sentients that tried to control it. Whatever you did, it's powerful stuff..." Venn trailed off and stared at her. "Kark you're hot," they said in a distracted tone. Zaiya flicked them on the forehead with her middle finger to get them to focus.

"Then what?"

"Well, it just waited here, no one could manage to turn it off long enough to dismantle it and any threats to the droid ended in a lot of bloodshed, so mostly they avoided it." Venn shrugged again then looked past her to where Maul stood. "You uh... get a little moment there, did you?"

"I just needed to talk to him for a moment," she excused. She was not about to tell Venn he'd nearly had a panic attack.

"Mhm, talk... right... before or after you sucked his face off?" The Nightsister shot them an incredulous look. "Would you rather suck something el--"

"Keep going, and you will find the droid takes after me far more closely," Zaiya snapped. Venn grinned.

"Aren't you two proud parents? Does daddy like to give discipline-- alright! I'll stop!" they held up their hands to cover their face in protection as Zaiya's hand had begun to rise threateningly.

"Has Darn settled on a price?" Zaiya asked, ignoring the ridiculous comments.

"Yep, that's all paid for -- you just have to take the rustbucket with you," Venn grinned, that mischievous look remained as their eyes darted between the two Dathomirians. After a moment, it softened. "You call him your Lord but... you know he's not above you, right? He's a Sith, he's one of these crazy bastards that made the war in the first place, isn't he? You deserve so much better!" Their voice lowered to a harsh whisper -- apparently Venn had some sense of self-preservation after all. Zaiya shook her head.

"It's more complicated than that, Venn, and like you, I don't let go of my friends," she petted Venn's shoulder but the Iridonian looked away, a deep sense of shame flooded through them in the Force though Zaiya was not sure why.

"I uh... suppose this is it for a while, huh?" Venn replied, changing the subject. "I gotta say, I was surprised to see you, I had heard you were stationed on a cruiser in the Mid-Rim playing for politicians and gangsters." Zaiya tilted her head, a deep frown crossing her features.

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