Junked - Part 1

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The rest of the journey was far more than awkward and Zaiya spent the majority curled in the cockpit and trying to rest, though not fully allowing herself to sleep. It seemed every time she had a moment to sleep lately, she was interrupted --whether by nightmares or Maul. The last two days she hadn't minded, having been as insatiable as he was.

She hadn't even known that side of herself until he had unlocked it. It was also becoming increasingly difficult to be able to lock that part of herself up again. Every time she looked at him she was reminded of those soft expressions and affectionate words he'd been so free with, and the moments she'd felt the galaxy around them fall away into bliss.

How was she supposed to come back from that?

The cold manner he now regarded her with was jarring in comparison. It hurt to look at him. Better then, to sit in the cockpit with her knees drawn up to her chest with her eyes closed. That way, if he decided to grace them with his presence she would not have to see him at all. Currently he was in one of the side rooms, probably meditating. Part of her hoped he stayed there.

"We're coming up on our location," Venn said and Zaiya opened her good eye. With a quiet sigh she unfolded herself in the seat and tapped a few buttons in which to assist her friend as they left hyperspace. The blackness of regular space surrounded them and the orb of yellow and green hung before them in the distance. The planet was tiny in comparison to others, more of an asteroid with atmospheric domes than anything. It was a traders port, where sentients would sell exotic plants, species and in their case, droids and ships. It wasn't the most affordable place, but Venn said they had someone that owed them... and Zaiya didn't want the details. Despite Venn being more than willing to give them.

She watched as the planet grew larger in the viewport and she heard the door slide open, the oppressive presence that was her Lord -- full of rage and bitterness -- stood at her back. She felt herself getting annoyed and even angry, Venn had told her she didn't deserve to be treated like this; and while she perhaps was not in full agreement, she did however agree that something needed to change.

He either needed to have it out and fight her as they had done in the past or... or perhaps banish her completely. At least then there would be an end to it.

Even if a deep pit opened in her chest as she thought about it. After everything... could she really accept that? Would she be able to walk away? Or would she rather he take his lightsaber and drive it through her chest instead.

It might hurt less if she chose that option.

Either way, something had to give. The tightening of her throat from her own anxiety was enough to drive her mad. With a frown she did her best to push it down and away as they came in on the docking bay.

The hangar was wide, cobbled together from various parts, as was the entire station, all built from recycled ships, scrap and reused pieces. It was rather ingenious, though it did look much like a trash heap at first glance. It was a great place to trade items inconspicuously.

Zaiya had visited only once before, and it appeared to have accumulated even more junk since the last time she'd been there.

"Alright, follow me!" Venn said, their tone was light, but there was a significant shift in mood from before. Likely due to Maul's attempted murder of the Iridonian. Zaiya knew she had to separate the two sooner rather than later. The word 'behave' was not in Venn's vocabulary.

He moved like a menacing shadow that seemed to loom over her shoulder. Maul's mood was equally foul and she was rapidly running out of patience. The sooner they got this ship, the better. She could feel something swirling in the Force within him as well, and while it nagged at her, she was still far too on edge to pay it much mind.

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