Instructor - Part 1

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Tipoca City had never been so empty. Walking the halls felt almost ghostly. True enough there were still cadets that moved to and from training and to the mess halls, though apart from her ARC's, they were not ready to deploy. Something she was still bitter about. The damnable Kaminii had decided that while they trusted her to train, it was not good enough, despite the results of the tests that had been run. More changes were coming however, and she had noticed many of them already implemented.

Now that Kamino was a Republic base of operations, Jedi, military officers and other bounty hunters hired by the republic were taking the place of training officers. Zaiya thankfully had been able to remain at her post, but had to undergo scrutiny when it came to making a file on her. The clerk had been decidedly irritated with her answers. Jedi had interviewed her too, asking about Jango. It was then she had learned what happened out on Geonosis.

It was a planet of red dust, the Geonosians were bug-like in their biology, they had the buzzing wings she had heard in the vision. There had been something of a scuffle with the two Jedi and that senator Jango had been hired to bump off were set to be executed... til the Jedi stepped in en masse. Apparently whatever laws had been broken by the two Jedi operatives, it seemed worthy to begin a war over to rescue them. Or something. She had tried not to seem too eager to hear about Jango. She'd been told the Jedi Council leader was a human man named Mace Windu, it was he who wielded the amethyst lightsaber. He who had engaged Jango in the fight... until the bounty hunter had inexplicably vanished from the battle field. One minute the Mandalorian was there... then he wasn't. There seemed to be no sign of Boba of Slave I either. Zaiya had almost collapsed from relief.

He was alive. Jango Fett had survived the battle of Geonosis and was hiding out for now - likely in the Outer Rim. She hoped he would be able to get a message to her soon, and she herself was about to reach out in order to keep her own tabs on the galaxy at large.

The room was locked and the holo flickered to life, a big man, long loose curly hair and a beard, lounging in a pilot's seat. He jolted upright as he saw her.

"Siren!" He gasped, his eyes widening, "it's been ages, nothing but holo messages!"

"Hello Adaji," Zaiya smiled warmly.

"What's been happening, I've only gotten scraps! Where are you?"

"That... well that's classified," she shrugged, a small smirk on her lips.

"Are you involved in this war breaking out?!" he gasped, he always was a quick one.

"I can't talk about it, Treshan, but I'm fine," she assured, the Mandalorian's shoulders sagged a little.

"How's-- you know," he gestured to the left side of his face.

"It's fine, there were some Nightsister tricks to get everything sorted," she replied dismissively, "but listen, I want you to do something," she told him before he asked more questions that left her feeling awkward.

"Sure, adi'ka, anything," Adaji replied with no hesitation. She was a little surprised, surely he would normally banter with her? Tell her he would want to be paid for it? Perhaps he was saving it.

"I need you to keep and ear and eye out for my ba'vodu--"

"I haven't seen Bane in a while, and Hondo has the same frequency," The bounty hunter shrugged.

"No, let me finish, I mean Jango," she elaborated.

"Fett?!" Adaji spat, "since when is he--? We worked maybe two jobs together! Why does he--"

"He's my actual uncle," she said, "he knew my father, they were like brothers," Zaiya waited for him to get annoyed, tease her, say something about Fett being an ass or something. But he didn't. He looked hurt. Crestfallen. She blinked, her expression becoming concerned, why did he look so gutted suddenly? After a second it passed and he cleared his throat.

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