Arrangements - Part 2

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The following morning, Zaiya gave no indication of the previous night's events, nor any other moments of his weaknesses. She did well to guard any reputation he might have against such softness. It was hard not to be proud of the way he turned her so pliable with his touch. He didn't know when he had become so weak to crave her the way he had... though the bruises around her hips and shallow cuts on her inner thighs from his horns that he had seen somehow made him even more bold. Knowing he had done such a thing. He found himself licking his lips a few times that morning, recalling the feeling... and the flavour.

He didn't know how it helped or whether she did something, but the hissing voices of the past were almost silent when she was around. Granted they were far quieter now than ever but they still remained. He wondered if they would ever leave him. He would rather perish than become a wild beast again. It was the stuff of nightmares.

The time here on Dathomir had not been wasted. As the weeks had progressed to months, he'd grown stronger in his body and his mind, he became grateful for this. Maul hated that he was not well, and hated that there was no way in which to rid himself of this lingering darkness. Perhaps it was necessary, to use this hate, this emotion in him to call upon his power once more...

But to do what? Return to his master? No, no that would do no good. His master abandoned him... rejected him! He growled to himself, lost in thought. That would serve no purpose. He could be his own master now, as Zaiya had always wanted for him. Walk his own path. Take the power he deserved. Far more than the childish wishes of exploration, he had seen the vile state the Galaxy was in, he would not become one of the weak that tried to crawl their way through their pathetic lives. He would have power. And he would have vengeance.

The one that had made him like this... that had taken his legs... the filthy Jedi... still he hated them. This one especially. Kenobi. He had to find this Jedi. Find him, and kill him. Make him suffer. Alone, in the dark, where no light could reach. He would not have a beacon of light guiding him out... not like Maul had Zaiya. He would make the wretch pay for ruining him.

It did not matter that Zaiya had found a way to restore his body. That he would be whole again. That wasn't the important part. Kenobi had robbed him of more than just his limbs. Robbed him of power and glory and the ability to watch the Galaxy completely change. To have a hand in everlasting history! Robbed him of watching the Galaxy cower at his feet! For that he would pay. And pay dearly.

Already he could feel something in the force, like calm before a storm, but something brewing in the not so distant future, he was sure that it would happen any day now.

When not training, sparring or visiting his brothers, Maul had been lost in his thoughts of vengeance and visions of the future. He had not yet spoken to Zaiya about them, as nothing was yet solid in his mind. He knew he would have to tell her eventually, who else could he trust? He had a second in command before he even had something to command. After all she had done he could not deny that. His thoughts had been so jumbled of late, he didn't like the way he clung to her in the night, when his mind was weak and the nightmares came for him. He should be strong! What if she used this against him? What if she turned on him? She had not so far but there was no reason to believe she would not! Everyone was capable of it! He began to think he should keep her at arms' length for a while. Could he truly trust her? Perhaps... but he had known only hatred and betrayal... Last night however. It was different to anything he had known and he didn't want to admit how he had enjoyed it, how he craved more. How he had held her close all night and just breathed in the scent of her soft skin.

The door opened and he was shaken from his thoughts. He tried to crush the soft relief he felt when seeing her face. Why did it matter so much? Why did he feel this way? He shouldn't let her get to him like this! Already he was denying his own thoughts and vows he had made, though he was wild with madness at the time... hardly something he should be counting on.

A Prince of Dathomir (Darth Maul x OC)Where stories live. Discover now