Proven - Part 2

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Contains/Warnings: Violence, death, blood, injury etc.

Hours passed.

The battles raged around them and Alpha Company took charge. They fought with every advantage their ARC training allowed, decimating waves of droids as they fought their way through Tipoca City.

The facility was flooded with red light and sensors blaring a warning from the damage. Zaiya stalked forward, she and her ARC's using stealth, checking every corner so they might be able to surprise any droids they encountered. Alpha had protested of course, as it was not efficient to do so but after a quick banter, he agreed they had bigger problems.

Alpha had also argued that Zaiya should head to the medical wing or at least sit out while she was injured. He had insisted her in an injured state would not be at full capacity. The death glare she'd given him did little to dampen his argument and for the first time, she'd actually pulled rank on him to shut him up. Though he was still annoyed at her, he had accepted it and she'd let the medic, and ARC named Caboose, give her first aid before moving forward with their mission.

"They will be after the DNA and the Tubies," Alpha muttered as they paused at one corner. Clear. They pressed on.

"Tubies?" Zaiya asked, her eyes scanning the corridors as they jogged along.

"The unborn clones," he clarified.

"Ah, in the tubes, I get it," she nodded then turned her head toward him, "more clone slang?"

"More slang," he confirmed and she let out a soft huff.

"I'll get the hang of it one day," she said with a small smirk.

They encountered a small group of droids in the next hall, and wasting no time, Zaiya and the clones opened fire, Zaiya cleanly deflecting bolts as their living shield.

"It's any wonder you didn't get hurt worse," Havoc said as he stood beside her, blasting one of the droids heads clean off, "what with you being in your pyjamas and all," she could envision his big dumb grin without him taking the helmet off, and heard the amusement in his voice, despite the regulator.

"This is just training gear," she replied as the last droid fell. "I should think I would be in greater trouble if I were in my pyjamas though."

"Why?" he asked, turning his head to face her.

"I sleep naked," she replied in deadpan, "come on, then." Zaiya hid her smirk as Havoc's mouth fell open in response. She led the men toward the cloning chamber, they were sure to encounter trouble soon.

Sure enough there were more droids ahead, and Havoc didn't have a chance to think up some snappy reply before they were back into the fray.

[Lieutenant-General!] The voice of Shaak Ti came from her comm, the Jedi was in the midst of her own battle in protecting the DNA chamber.

"Go ahead," Zaiya replied, as she sent a blast back to the droid that fired it.

[I have just been informed that Masters Kenobi and Skywalker have arrived into the atmosphere,] Zaiya had to stop her lip curling at that name.

"I see," she replied, "I cannot promise to leave them enough droids to have a decent fight, but I am sure we shall appreciate their help all the same." She had to say something light to keep the venom from her voice.

[Good to see you are still in high spirits,] Shaak Ti replied warmly and the communication dropped. She didn't suppose an accident in battle befalling the bearded Jedi would be investigated in the midst of such an invasion? This thought did rather lift her spirits a bit, and she was able to keep going.

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