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It had been a couple months since your fated confession on that stormy night, you and Kite now being a happy and well established couple. It didn't take long for the news to spread to your friends in the nearby town, as you were practically stuck to each other like glue. He wasn't overly affectionate in public as you previously suspected, but his natural desire to be close to you always had his hand holding yours even when doing the littlest of things. That's what tipped off most people, and a couple of your dear friends yelled out the words 'it's about damn time' when they caught your fingers laced with his. Both of you were easily flustered by these interactions, but he only held your hand tighter and flashed you a warm smile, showing you that no level of embarrassment would ever make him let you go. This warmed you to your core, knowing that any possible discomfort wouldn't change a thing.

The unbreakable nature of the physical and emotional bond you shared with each other was truly admirable, not expecting such strong emotions to come from him, or even you for the matter. You truly did love each other. Recently though, that bond you shared would soon be put to the test. Kite had a two week long trip to go on to do some ecological research on a nearby island, and you would be staying behind while he went. He did offer to bring you with him, but you insisted that you stayed behind so he could better focus on the job at hand, teasing that you'd only distract him from his work. He only agreed to leave you home on the terms that his animals would prefer you to look after them compared to anyone else. So, with a weighted sigh and a hug that lasted much longer than the average one, he left his home in your care.

From the day he left, you had decided to remain in his home for as long as he was gone, keeping everything in order and caring for his animals every day. Your own home was simple and low maintenance, having no animals of your own either so you could leave it for long periods of time without having to worry. You're sure he wouldn't mind if you made yourself at home anyway. As time ticked on you carried on with standard things such as keeping food stocked, the house clean, and the animals fed and happy. Your day to day routine didn't change much at all while you spent time there, but there was one thing you noticed about yourself that had changed as the days passed you by: your intense longing for Kite.

The more time you spent away from him, the more you missed him, longed for him, yearned for him. You thought you'd be just fine on your own while he was gone as you were a strong and rather independent person, but his absence truly had your heart aching for his return. Feelings like these were not often experienced by you, so every day that brought you closer to his return date was another day where your heart beat just a bit faster. Eventually, that day came, and your excitement was practically bursting from your body by then. The past two weeks alone were starting to drive you mad, and you could do with a bit of 'Kite' therapy right about now.

"Today's finally the day! I've gotta get the place ready for when he comes back~" You hummed to yourself.

Having spent most of the day wandering around the town aimlessly, you soon changed pace and purchased a few things to do a bit of baking before jogging back to his home to make sure everything would be perfect to welcome him back. You didn't know why, but you had the strongest urge to do such a thing: to make a snack, to clean any messes, and make the place even more welcoming than it had ever been. There was no point in questioning yourself and your desire to do such things, so you simply got right to it and did exactly all that. When you returned, you tossed your recent purchase on the counter and ran for the shower to freshen yourself up a bit, making yourself smell like fresh flowers before you changed and trotted back into the kitchen to make a snack or two before you cleaned. You then spent the next few hours sorting everything once you produced a few baked goods, putting away anything out of place and cleaning the messes you made. By the time you finished, the sun had begun to set and you lit some candles in the living room to give the room some ambiance and a dimmer lighting option. Stretching big, you flopped yourself down on the couch and let out a long yawn, content with the work you had done.

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