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"Where did you get these?"

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"Where did you get these?"

Jin stared at the clothes the young lady handed him. It was obviously clothes for men that won't even fit her unless she uses the shirt as her dress- which is obviously not her thing. He couldn't hide the frown his eyebrows created, the lines that were sculpted deep in his forehead.

Byul stood near the door, arms crossed. "That's Sandeul's."


The lady nodded, "You may use them in the meantime." Seeing her unbothered state, he scowls.

Before she can ever reach the door, he had her in his arms and she gasped in shock at how quickly he moved. He didn't even mind how his wet shirt made contact with hers. "So you let men come over here?!" He widened his eyes then immediately narrowed by the inappropriate thoughts that just came to his mind.

And there was the woman who did nothing but upset him even more- just by simply not giving a damn. "None of your business."

Jin deadpanned as she only rolled her eyes.

"Why are you so-"

"You can have your jacket with you." She pointed at the bed, to where Jin's jacket was placed. It was the one he lend her when he intentionally splashed water at her and Sandeul- what happened that day still makes her upset till now.

"Aish! Why do you talk like that?!"

"Like what?" She looked at him dead in the eyes. Jin sighed, not wanting to make another fight with her.

This isn't what he came for- well, he can decide to make fun of her later, but not this kind of feud.

"Nevermind, I came to talk to you-"

"I don't want to!" Byulyi protests and pushed him away to get his grip off of her.

Eyeing her in disbelief, he lets out another sigh. She kept on cutting his words off. Well, that's what a jackass like him gets.

"I was told to never talk to someone who says let's talk."

Before shutting the door, she added, "You may leave once the rain stops."

"But we haven't-" His statement was cut as she finally left the room. Obviously, she doesn't have the urge to even give him a little bit of her time.

Guess what, his visit was pointless at all.


"Attention to everyone on this campus! This is the greatest, and most handsome man ever existed, Kim Seok Jin speaking!"

Up on stage, Jin held the mic confidently as his voice echoed through the speakers- getting every student's attention outside.

"I would like to let everyone- all of you know, that if the campus crush still wouldn't want to talk to me till Winter break, I'll make sure that anyone gets to have a chance to kiss me on the cheek. Oh- y'all know who is it I'm talking about, right?"

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