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Byulyi bore her eyes at the wall clock in her room, sighing after

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Byulyi bore her eyes at the wall clock in her room, sighing after.

The attention seeker apparently has gotten home after being caught by her brother. Seeing the awkward position they were in, Jin wasn't able to explain nor say a single word as his face welcomed Minseok's fist. The fucker even managed to wink at her as he was forcefully dragged outside.

It's late already.

There she stands in a towel wrapped around her body, drying her hair with another towel. She takes the pair of pajamas from her bed, about to change to her sleepwear when suddenly, she heard a noise coming from the window. She spun around quickly, eyes wide and her cheeks heat up when she makes eye contact with him.

He, who apparently climbed the window.

Oh God, how embarrassing can this night get?

Even he was shocked to see her in that state for a moment, but he was quick to hide it away. He takes three steps towards her until his hands found her waist, pulling her towards him like a current and she couldn't get out. "Hi, beautiful."

"I- What?" She frowns when she catches him checking her out. Then immediately looks away and closed her eyes, surprised that she hadn't pushed him away. She clutched the middle of her towel tightly and stutters, "I- I'll just..." She struggles to find the right words which made him chuckle. He enjoyed teasing her but that can wait. "Get changed"

Byulyi wasted no time and ran to the bathroom, leaving him smirking to himself. Shamelessly, he flopped down on her bed and closes his eyes. Only until he felt a hard slap on his left arm. "Oh, I miss that," he blurted, contrary to the frown on his forehead. He felt her presence next to him, and he knows very well that one wrong move can get him into trouble.

"Are you crazy?! You enter a female's room unnoticed, what if they're changing and naked- you pervert!"

"You mean, if I see you naked? Well... almost." Seeing she wasn't having fun, his laughter slowly dies down as he sat up to her level. "I didn't think of that before climbing."

She could only roll her eyes.

"No regrets though," he teases, earning another strike from her.

Then she pauses, trying to guess what was in his mind to enter her room this late at night. Knowing her room's located on the second floor, she wondered if he got a bit clumsy and hurt himself. "Why did you climb the window instead of using the door? Are you that dumb to think you're a superhero who can climb walls?"

"Are you worried about me?"

Byulyi's mouth formed a small "o", finding it hard to form a word again. " I- no! Never!"

"Pft." Jin closes his eyes with a contented smile, flopping on the mattress as he places his arms at the back of his head.

"What do you need?"

"Sleep... I forgot my sleeping bag."

Her brows knitted at the statement. "You could've just waited for the next day, Kim." She heaved a heavy sigh as she stares at the peaceful sight of him.

"You wouldn't believe it if I say it's you who I need by my side, would you?"


Jin chuckles, sitting up and for a moment, he simply stared at her with intense eyes. The sight of her bare face amazed him. Those wide-eyed innocent look and pinkish, pouty lips reminded him of a fairy tale princess. "Gorgeous." His compliment was uttered like a prayer.

Byulyi was tongue-tied, at a loss how to respond. She gave him a cold stare, knowing her face was getting red. Sometimes she finds it hard to tell when Jin's just in his playful state or when he's serious. This time, she convinced herself he was only having fun playing with her heart.

She looked anywhere but his eyes, until hers found his bruised lips. Her brother just hit him hard, harder than what she did the last time he pissed her off. "Let me help you clean that."

He watches her pull the medicine kit out of the drawer. Then, as if she changed her mind, she quickly went out of her room to search for an ice pack instead. It didn't take her long as she made her way back, almost running. When she got closer to him, he was quick to grab her by the waist to make her sit in his lap instead. She gasped at the sudden movement, her hand naturally held on his shoulder for balance. She glared at him and aggressively places the ice pack on his lips which made him yelp in pain. He even had to hold her wrist just so she would be a little bit gentle.

"Is this another tactic of yours to get closer to women?" She frowns.

"No, not at all. But it works when I do."

"Maybe, but not on me." He hisses in pain although she went more gentle in cleaning his wound this time.

"Are you underestimating my charms?"

"No, you just overestimated it." He only hummed in response, watching her concentrate. She heard a low groan from him which made her flinch and mutter a "sorry."

Impulsively, he places his hand on her cheek, taking notice of how small her face fits into his hand. She freezes, her heart skipped a few beats, and then thundered. "D-do you need something? Water?" Her eyes tried their hardest to avoid his as she reaches to place the ice pack on the bedside table.

Seokjin only gazed at her, his hands lingering on her waist as he drew her closer. Her lips looked kissable. His own itched to be pressed against them. But he stopped himself by laughing, dragging her onto the bed with him which made her gasp. "Let's just sleep."

"I'm taking the bed, sleep somewhere else." She tried to shove him off but he snagged her hips, grabbing the hand-knitted blanket with his free hand and pulling it over the two of them.

She wanted to push him off of her but he'll surely not let go. And thanks to her fate, he's looking at her right now as if he plans to watch her sleep. He was so close she could feel his breath fanning her lips. They didn't say anything to each other, they just stared.

Once again he reaches to tug a lock behind her ear that has fallen out. Magnetized, he closes the space between them, stealing a quick kiss.


With a touch on her cheek, Seokjin cuts her off and kissed her full this time. She parts her lips and inhales when his lips were pressed firmly against hers. His kiss is soft yet confident. And instead of stopping him from what he was doing, as she should have, she was surprised herself that she lets him continue.

"It's late. You must sleep now," he spoke, cradling her in his arms.

She lets out a breath, burying any attraction for him, thinking he's only doing all this for fun. She buried her face in his chest, comfort immediately swarming her as she allows sleep to consume her.

 She buried her face in his chest, comfort immediately swarming her as she allows sleep to consume her

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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