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"Don't you ever call me that!"

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"Don't you ever call me that!"

Seokjin laughed softly, somehow amazed at Byulyi's mad yet cute expression. That never failed to amaze him, though. This woman in front of her lives with thousands of expressions on her face in a day, and he wonders how can she do that.

Despite the urge to make fun of her more, he still didn't let the chance pass to cover her with a towel. To at least lessen the coldness after the swimming class Section A just had. Additionally, she seemed uncomfortable with only a swimsuit on, particularly when the guys kept on staring at her, which he actually hated.

It was her class who was scheduled that day, while he, being that hard-headed one from the last section, chose to watch since the "old woman" who was supposed to teach them was absent. Class hours would end after this, anyway.

"Why? Isn't that lovely?"

Byulyi rolled her eyes, slapping his hand away from resting on her shoulder.

"I don't call people baby," he continued.

"All except you."

He didn't fail to catch the redness that bloomed in her cheeks. Byulyi was obviously not over yet about what he did minutes ago- when he shamelessly and loudly called her that endearment. In front of everyone. He could tell how embarrassed she was when the room was filled with teasing from her classmates- creating chaos in the room that eventually made the instructor flame in anger. How fortunate they were when their punishment was to clean the whole area, which means both can spend time together. Yes, only the two of them. Him, committing such a crazy, stupid scene wasn't that bad after all.

Seokjin chuckled. It was light and laced with a hum of amusement at the matter.

"Disgusting," was the only word she could muster.

She turned around to leave, until he spoke, "We're cleaning all these, remember?"

Byulyi stopped, her eyes roamed around to see how messy it was- with those plastics and papers that her beloved friends intentionally left- everywhere.

She muttered a series of groans, making Seokjin shake his head, picking her bag from the floor to place it on the bench nearby. Then he glanced back at her, crossing his arms in his chest, his brow raised to question why she wasn't doing anything but stand and glare at the mess on the floor.

In the end, she only sighed in defeat. "I'll just get changed," she muttered, obviously trying not to make an earsplitting scream. Her tightened lips and lowered eyebrows made it visible.

He watched her stomp her feet as she walked away, hugging the towel he gave.

"This modern ape." She muttered out of annoyance. "I'm really... really going to rip his head off."

"That's boring," he replied, making her even more upset that she had no choice but just keep her mouth shut.


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