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It's evident to Seokjin's face how much he was enjoying the moment, with Byulyi resting in his arms as they watch

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It's evident to Seokjin's face how much he was enjoying the moment, with Byulyi resting in his arms as they watch. To be honest, it wasn't an easy journey to make her stay that way for almost half an hour. It took a lot of hitting and cursing before he had convinced her to rest in his shoulder. Just a few moments ago, they were in their usual habit of expressing their so-called love, as what Seokjin calls it- bickering. Byulyi, however, gave up and ended just doing what he wants, just so she would no longer hear those cheesy jokes. Although she appears calmer now than he expected, there are also times that she would hit his chest for whatever reason.

"You look red for someone who's saying she hates me to death," he mutters, earning a glare from Byulyi as she looks up at him. Only if their faces weren't so close, she could've stayed killing him by her stares but she'd always end up giving up, for she knows that in one wrong move, Jin will be smiling in triumph like a devil again.

Rolling her eyes, she chose to focus on the screen to which a romantic-comedy movie was playing. It was Jin who chose that- and it's just as cheesy as he appears to be. It seemed like he adopted the character's personality and she was the oh-so lucky victim who gets to taste all the cheesiness.

Jin smiled, playing with her long hair while his eyes focused on the scene. "That's how we should be." He spoke out of nowhere as the two main leads were just so sweet to each other after all the bickering. "But all we did was fight," he chuckles, knowing it was actually his fault why they were always in each other's throat.

Byulyi rolled her eyes, saying, "Oh come on, it's not like we're lovers."

"We're not?" Byulyi sat straight in a second, eyeing him with a creased forehead. Then she gasps, looking at him like he was a crazy man. "The last time I checked, I only helped you out. That doesn't mean it's official. So, no. We're NOT."

"Of course," it was his turn to roll his eyes which earned a faint giggle from the female.

Oh, how he loves to hear that again.

"I'm glad you know." She then reclined on the couch with both feet resting in his lap, surprising Jin from the action. But when he turned to look at her and question what has gotten in her mind, he stopped himself to upon seeing her comfortably resting beside him. He could've easily pushed her feet off of his lap but seeing how comfortable she is stopped him from doing so. Not like he hated the fact that she's being too cozy with him- he loves that, in fact.

There's even a slight arc forming on the corners of her lips as she watches. At some point, she would even laugh till her nose scrunches and the dimple at the upper side of her cheek appears. He remained looking at her, amazed at the beauty beside him. Thanks to the light coming from the screen, he was able to stare at her very clearly.

"Wah..." Byulyi mumbled under her breath but did not spare a glance at Seokjin at all. But that doesn't mean she couldn't see him from the side. "I know I'm a really charming girl but you see,.. staring is rude." This time she looked at him, grinning, then she winked at the young man that eventually made warmth invade his cheeks. The female never really failed to make him speechless.

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