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"For god's sake, Kim Seok Jin

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"For god's sake, Kim Seok Jin. You want me to meet your mom?!" Byulyi's mixed annoyance and confusion at the matter was visible to how her eyes grow wide, a finger pointing at herself. If the young man wasn't driving at the moment, she could've run for her life. Funny how they've been in the same situation several times. "This is ridiculous! I mean- I'm confused. Why on earth am I going to meet your mom? I'm not your girlfriend-"

"I already told you..." Seokjin kept composed despite Byulyi being all loud. His eyes did not leave the road, though at some point he would glance at her through the mirror. "This is only for tonight. Just pretend that-"

"Isn't that what you told me last time? You said you'll stop bothering me if I help you!"

"That was before. I didn't even mention that now," he fought back, earning a glare from the already upset woman.

"You get me in trouble every time you ask for my help."

Abruptly stopping the car, he turned to face the woman with furrowed eyebrows. But knowing Byulyi, fighting back wouldn't help in any situation. With that talkative mouth of hers, his poor, gorgeous ears might bleed in no time. So he only sighed in defeat, lowering his voice with pleading eyes. As if acting all charming could make him win. "I won't this time."

"You're not reliable."

"I can't promise I will no longer bother you—"

"Just, shut up."

Seokjin heaved a heavy sigh, looking at her as if he was almost giving up. "Ok. I won't ever bother you— maybe I will, at least once a week."

"Oh, God, please." Byulyi has never had an idea how much he enjoys those expressions she would make. How those cheeks turn rosy when he's near but the eyes would be throwing fireballs- a mixture of both cute and scary. How can he not become a total attention seeker if she's that adorable?

"Ok, I'm not talking anymore. But you'll come with me."


"Forget it." Grinning, Seokjin unfastened the seatbelt before leaning close to her and leaving a peck at the tip of her nose. "We've been here for almost a minute. It's a waste of saliva to argue further, don't you think?" He quickly undid her seatbelt and left her inside, then walked to the other side of the car to open the door for her. "Let's just love."

Byulyi grunts as the statement made her cringe. "Babe?"


"So, you're the girl?"

Byulyi bit her lower lip, unable to say a single word. With her eyes looking on her feet, she taps her fingers on her lap like she knows nothing else to do. Mrs. Kim looks so serious and as if her eyes were throwing daggers at her. Seokjin, who noticed the rare sight of the woman being all shy and nervous, chuckled. "Mom, you're scaring her."

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