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Byulyi has tried everything she can to avoid Kim fckng Seokjin

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Byulyi has tried everything she can to avoid Kim fckng Seokjin. After asking her out on a date- scratch that. He didn't even ask her, he just decided it himself. And when he announced it in public, with that damn microphone for everyone to hear, she prayed to all the saints she could name she would be buried alive.

Every student on the campus keeps on stealing glances at her. Not that it's something new, given her popularity. It's just uncomfortable especially that they're looking at her now because of Jin and his stupid announcement.

And when the last class ended, she ran for the exit only until she spotted Jin coming her way. He's driving her insane. She didn't even wait for him to come near her. Instead, she ran to wherever her feet bring her, and she ended up hiding on an empty room's desk. There's no way she'd give him the satisfaction.

Only if she's aware of how it satisfies him.

She, who obliviously gives such fun and cute reaction every time he's around- that's all he wanted to see. He's winning.

"Should I act like I can't see you?" His voice startles her so much to the point that she jumped and cursed upon hearing it. So much more when she sees his face up close as he kneeled to greet her. "You're completely invisible."

She glared and pushed him slightly so she can finally stand up, only for her head to bump into the desk. She yelped, her hand reaching out to rub her head.

"Aish, look at you..." Jin mutters as he reached to help her stand, this time, carefully. "You're really a du-"

"Don't you dare!" She pointed a finger at him while still rubbing her head. She's trying to look intimidating and she fails so hard.

Chuckling, Jin continues, "...dummy."

She looks unconsciously adorable when annoyed and even though he's enjoying it, he pushed aside his impishness- well, not totally. He pressed his lips together to contain himself from laughing out loud, reaching out to give her a little head massage. She stiffened for a second before stepping backward, only for her body to meet his chest when he suddenly pulled her by the waist.

"I-it doesn't hurt much." She gently pushed his hand away, but the other arm that was wrapped around her waist remained in its place. He's too close to her again it felt like her knees will give up anytime soon, only if he's not holding her still. He only hums in response.

"Why hide from me? Shouldn't you be thankful I'm giving you my precious time?" Feeling his intense gaze, Byulyi avoided his eyes and bit her lower lip. She's dying to know what's in his mind for doing that. "I like it." This time, she looked up to meet his eyes, hers widened especially when he suddenly cupped her cheek. "What-"

"I like the effect I have on you..." His lips curved into a lopsided smile as he stares at her rose-tinted cheeks. He slowly leans in to test how she reacts, and he didn't fail to get the reaction he's craving. She bit her lower lip.

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