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"It's not funny, Kim Seok Jin," Byulyi grunted, which eventually just made him chuckle as she was forced to enter the car

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"It's not funny, Kim Seok Jin," Byulyi grunted, which eventually just made him chuckle as she was forced to enter the car. He didn't even care about how sharp glares were when he helped her fastened her seatbelt.

Soon as he sat on the driver's seat, he turned to look at her to pinch those crimson cheeks in mock. "Is my baby mad at me?"

Slapping his hands in reply, she scoffs. "Stop that."

"So you prefer dummy I suppose."

Byulyi sighed in defeat. That's still better than those annoying pet names. Just that thought made her want to puke.

"Dummy, dummy, dummy~" he chanted as he put the car in motion, while Byulyi, on the other hand, decided to free her annoyance by glaring at the road instead, hands are blocking her ears.

There was a slight smile that formed on his lips as he constantly takes a glance at her through the rear-view mirror. She was silent the whole time, yet that little frown did not leave her face as she sighs a little too much.

Obviously, she's not in the mood to even spare him a glance. He supposed, his presence alone can ruin her day.

And her reaction towards everything he does was too entertaining to him.

"I'm actually planning to give you your reward but-" he sighed, feigning a disappointed face. "I'll just give it when-

"I don't care! Hurry because I fucking hate being- YAH!! CAR!" She shrieks when he suddenly steer on the right side of the road, only to avoid the car that was drifting into their lane. Just then, he pressed the brake pedal, his left hand held his chest to feel his heartbeat.

That was close!

And nope, it's not because he was driving carelessly. He wouldn't do that, especially when there's a little girl inside his car he has to take care of. And yes- a little girl. She IS that LITTLE.

He opened the window to see the other vehicle, only to realize that it's too late since it was driving too fast. His brows furrowed. "That bastard."

And just as his eyes landed towards this lady, with her tiny hands gripping around her head and eyes that are tightly close, his eyes soften. Her breathing was heavy, and she seemed to not be aware that they were safe now.

"Byul." He gently taps her shoulders, to which she only responded with a curious gaze, still covering her ears. "We're..."

"Are we dead now?" Her voice was barely just a whisper, which sounded even deeper than usual.

"We're not. This dummy, really," he shakes his head in disbelief.

"Are you Satan?"

"You're joking, are you?" With that kind of face like him, he never thought someone would ask her that. He never even encountered anyone who treats him the way she does. She's indeed different from anybody else.

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