Chapter 6: The Nightmare

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(⚠️TW: Derealization, demeaning/hateful speech⚠️)

Tommy drearily opened his eyes. The room still appearing fuzzy from the sleep in his eyes. He turned to see Tubbo sat near his bed against the wall. 

"Morning." The tired blonde said. 

"Hey Toms." Tubbo responded.

"What's up?" Tommy asked, in regards to why the boy was sat near the bed

"Everyone left." Tubbo stated simply

"What? Why?" Tommy asked.

"Well because they don't actually care. Why would they, you're fucked in the head Tommy." Tubbo stated angrily

"W-what?" Tommy said, stuttering in disbelief.

"I mean honestly. You're lucky you still have me." He said.

Tommy awoke from the nightmare as he gasped, sitting up. His hands were clammy and sweat clung to his forehead, his breathing was quickly paced. His thoughts racing far too fast making his head swim and his ears ring. His head was getting lighter by the second, somewhere in the background he heard the squeak of a door before he gave in to the darkness around the edges of his vision.

Tommy woke up with a few shallow quick breaths to see Philza on his phone by the boy's bed. He reached out slowly grabbing the boys hand. 

"Morning, bud." Phil said.

"H-hi?" Tommy said confusedly.

"I heard you early this morning and so I came in to check up on you. You had quite the attack last night Toms." Philza said gently.

"I-I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean to disturb you." Tommy said apologetically. The events of the nightmare sinking in once again.

"'s alright mate." Philza said.

"Wilbur's making breakfast, well more like lunch. But regardless, he's making pancakes." He stated.

"Shoot what time is it?" Tommy said, panicked.

 "Tech fed and walked Leo" Phil responded.

"What? But, I thought he didn't like him?" Tommy said, confusedly.

"I think The Blade has a soft spot for the dog." Phil said, leaning in and whispering as though it were top secret.

Tommy laughed slightly.

Tubbo knocked on the door gently, then swinging it open when Phil responded with a "Come in"

Tubbo: "Oh you're up! Well, pancakes are ready!" 

They headed to the kitchen. Where Niki and Wilbur stood behind the island near the stove. Niki eating her pancakes while leaning against the countertop and Wilbur stood leaning against the island. Tommy, Philza, Tubbo, and Quackity sat at the island. As Tommy settled into his seat, Wilbur slid across a pile of the cakes doused in the amber syrup.

"So, Tommy. I heard you making noise last night. Everything okay?" Wilbur questioned.

"Yeah, just had a nightmare. Nothing big." He stated.

"You want to talk about it?" Niki inquired.

"Nah. Anyway, I feel like I should make an explanation video, fans are probably confused about what happened and it's already been three days, y'know, so I feel like they definitely need some sort of explanation and it feels wrong to just leave them hanging, they are my fans and everything. But overall-"

"Tommy." Wilbur quickly cut off the boy's rambling.

"You're rambling. What happened, seriously." He stated.

"Why did you guys come?" He asked, pushing the pancakes that were now cut up around his plate.

"What do you mean?" Philza inquired.

"What was the reason that you guys came down here when I asked?" He questioned, his hands moving to fidget with the hem of his shirt.

"Because we care about you, and wanted to make sure you were okay?" Wilbur said, feeling as though the answer was obvious.

"Why?" Tommy asked.

"Why what, Toms?" Wilbur asked gently, trying to meet the boy's eyes.

"Why do you care?" Tommy asked, his eyes warming up with the threat of tears. 

"Oh Toms, why wouldn't we. You're our friend. Our family practically. And we care about you." Wilbur said, moving swiftly around the countertop and enveloping Tommy in a secure hug.

That was the breaking point, and with that the floodgates opened and Tommy broke down, taking shaky and heavy breaths, tears streaking down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry" He said, composing himself and wiping his face. But, when he pulled away from Wilbur, Techno wrapped Tommy in a hug. Techno turned out to be a surprisingly good hugger and Tommy ended up letting free more crying.

"Stop saying that, stop saying you're sorry you have nothing to be sorry for we're your friends and we're here for you Tommy" Wilbur stated.

Tommy nodded into Techno's shoulder, tear tracks still making their way down. As Techno pulled away Nikki swooped in and squeezed Tommy. Quackity awkwardly hugged the 2 of them and Nikki and Tommy both laughed while Tommy sniffled. Wilbur piled on which led to more laughing. They all pulled away leaving Nikki who held Tommy's shoulders

Nikki: "You. Are. Our. Friend. We care about you Tommy, we came here on our own accord.

Tubbo walked towards Tommy and Nikki stepped aside. Tubbo grabbed Tommy and wrapped him in a tight hug. 

"I love you. You are not a burden. And I will never. Ever. Ditch you."

Tommy: "Okay, looks like I have a video to make."

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