Part 2 Chapter 7- I'm Okay

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(Hello there, let's get pumped for another chapterrr, it's almost Easter. 3 more days! Also, I dyed my hair pink and got a shag [hair style]. So that's a thing) (TW ⚠️ Blood, panic attack mentions, scabs, seizure mention)

I sat there, staring down as the blood dripped from my hands after I opened my hands fully.

 I stared as it trickled towards my lap. 

I stared as Karl wiped my hands with a paper towel.

 I stared as Tubbo bandaged my hands lightly. It was like the world was on mute. I had hurt myself, I had hurt Wilbur, I made Techno clean up after me during my seizure, and Karl had to watch me puke on the floor. The floor! 

I turned to look, and saw that it had been cleaned spotless. I looked back to my hands. Karl grabbed my hands, careful to avoid the now damaged part. I looked up. He stared at me, concerned. 

"Tommy? It's not your fault okay? Wilbur's okay now" he said calmly. I looked over to Wilbur, who was now looking at me with remorse and concern, 

"I shouldn't have said anything Tommy. I'm sorry." I shook my head at Wilbur's response. 

"If you aren't hiding it then neither should I. I know you guys saw my arms." Tubbo shook his head lightly, as if to say "You don't have to". 

"I had a panic attack on the plane-" I pulled up my sleeve with the hand I had pulled free from Karl's grasp.

 "-I didn't do it on purpose but it happened and you guys deserve to know that." Karl smiled weakly as he continued to hold my hand. 

"Tommy, we don't mind, okay? You don't have to tell us anything. But we want to be here to help you." Karl said in the same calm voice. I nodded. 

"They'll be back in about 10 minutes." Tubbo said. 

"Do you want to tell them about what happened?" He said gesturing to my arms and hands. I nodded. 

"But, I feel done talking." I said now dealing with a new issue, I was slowly becoming nonverbal from that same exhaustion and anxiety from earlier. Tubbo nodded. 

"We have 2 options, we can explain or you could use your app." I nodded and put my hands up in a 2. I wanted to be the one to explain in my own words. Tubbo nodded. He stood and went to my room. He grabbed my phone from the table bringing it to me. I opened my AAC app. I went to the couch and Leo climbed into my lap. I put my head in his fur and realized that he smelled of salt and sand as well as a bit of wet dog as I had put my wet hair on him during my seizure. I typed into my app. 

"He smells" it read out loud. Tubbo laughed. I typed once more.

 "Can you go get the spray in my bag Karl?" It said once again. Karl smiled nodding and headed to my room. 

"If only Quackity were here, he could get it for me" the app said out loud. Wilbur laughed finally releasing the tension he had very obviously been holding. It also warranted a chuckle from Technoblade. I smiled. Karl came back and I sprayed Leo's fur rubbing it through his fur. It had a vanilla smell as well as making his fur a bit cleaner, just until I could give him a bath. I set it on the table but Karl took it back to my room. I smiled knowing that sometimes we didn't need words and that was comforting. That's when I remembered, I looked to my phone and after some debating on the right wording. 

"Can you guys explain the device part? Idk what everyone will think" it said out loud. Tubbo smiled nodding. 

"Of course, they're not going to mind Tommy. I promise. But it's still a good idea no matter what." He said. 

"Thank you" the device said after I had finished typing. My friends sat down as we hung out chatting. Karl, Wilbur, Techno, and Tubbo out loud and me using my phone. 

Eventually the door opened as my friends came in laughing, I smiled at the sight of their happiness. I waved and I watched as Nikki's laughing face dropped along with the others as they filtered in. I panicked, what was she looking at? That's when I remembered my hands. I looked down. There was a bit of blood coming through. I looked to Tubbo to explain. He was frozen. That's when Techno chimed in. 

"Guys, don't worry, we'll explain in a minute okay? Go get changed and then we'll talk." He said calmly. Eventually the worry washed from their faces a bit and they made their way upstairs. Dream was the last to go but everyone left without a word. 

"I messed it up" I typed, showing my phone to Karl but not pressing the speak button afraid they might hear prior to the explanation. 

"You didn't mess it up Tommy, they're just worried" I nodded hoping that I could convince the anxiety out of my head. As they got ready upstairs I got to typing, to save time.

After a while, they trickled back in. George, Dream, and Sapnap first. Followed by Nikki, then Ranboo and Quackity. I smiled and they awaited my explanation.

 "So, guys-" Karl said. 

"Tommy decided he'd be more comfortable not talking at the moment, that means he's going to use his phone k?" I watched collective nods and smiled as my friends fully supported me. I pressed the speak button to narrate my already typed paragraph. 

"First off, my hands are fine. I got anxious and distracted and eventually I spaced out a bit, which ended up with my nails digging into my hands. Everything's fine now, it's happens sometimes. Which is what happened to my arms." The sentence ended and I lifted my sleeve to show the red area which had a collection of deeper wounds in the middle now covered with scabs as they healed but they still looked very dramatic. Nikki let out a small gasp, I looked up nervously.

"I-I'm sorry it's just, I just," tears pricked at Nikkis eyes. I pulled my sleeves back down hoping it would help. Wilbur stood from the couch sitting at Nikkis side and rubbed her back gently. 

"He's fine, I promise he's okay, right Tommy?" I nodded in response to Wilbur's statement, trying my best to help but I didn't know what to do and I couldn't find the words to speak cause it felt like so much work.

 "I'm sorry," she said. I typed quickly. 

"Don't be" the device said out loud. I once again typed into my phone. 

"I know how scary it seems, how bad it looks. But, I promise that I'm fine." Nikki nodded as the few tears that had fallen disappeared. I continued to type. 

"I had a seizure which you know. But I feel like you guys may not have known what to do. So, I figured maybe I could explain with help cause I can't type that fast or that much on this stupid thing" I earned a few laughs which made me feel better. And with that we began to explain.

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