Part 2 Chapter 13 - Cracked not Broken

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(Okay, so I decided to do a little part from Wilbur's perspective cause why not, it'll spice it up since I've already done 12 chapters of basically the same sh!t but also this might be a little short)

(TW Seizure mentions, blood, vomit, panic attack)

I sat on the couch wiped, but proud of how I handled the situation. I was glad we had finally made it home and after Tommy's seizure I had to keep up the best facade I possibly could. But when the boy broke down in my arms I felt the mask slip just a bit. As his head had been buried in my chest I had let a tear or two slip but quickly pulled myself back together. When we got in the car he seemed to cling to me like something had clicked in the moment he was crying, like I was suddenly a life raft keeping him afloat. I didn't mind, in fact I was more than willing to be his life raft in this moment. 

Dream walked over grabbing my shoulder jolting me from my deep thought. "Hey, you okay?" He asked quietly. Whether that was because he was nervous he'd startle me or because he didn't want the others to hear I wasn't sure. But, the gentle tone of his voice didn't make it seem any less like a sledgehammer to my already fragile walls I'd tried to put up. And for the second time that day a member of our group was breaking down in someone's arms. I sat crying into Dream's chest and he sat and let it happen. "H-he-he's just a kid man. He was so afraid and I didn't know how to help and I feel like I failed. And he cared that my stupid sweater had his vomit on it. His blood, and his vomit. It was all over the grass, and it was so scary. Those 2 minutes felt so long. So damn long. When Tubbo left I was terrified. He told me to take over. He trusted me and I feel like I broke him. Tommy just fell apart in my arms. Did I break him Dream?" I said rambling out my words through heavy sobs and breaths. "Wilbur, take a deep breath okay? Just breath, don't worry about that right now okay?" I realized that my breakdown was slowly transitioning into a panic attack. I followed his instructions trying my best to minimize the sobs. When I pulled free from his grasp I saw my friends standing around concerned. Dream stood and Nikki sat down pulling me into a hug. "Tell me the truth, d-did I break him?" I said softly. "Wilbur, you didn't break him." She said gently. I nodded into her shoulder not fully believing her. "Wil, he's okay" Tubbo said. Suddenly it felt like I was back on Tommy's living room floor shaking and crying. Those exact words the ones he said last time. The ones that seemed like forever ago. My chest once again tightened and my breathing picked up. I watched as Tubbo left the room going to Tommy's room. Leo trotted out taking note of my breathing and ran over jumping on the couch and lodging himself in my lap. I put my hands over my face crying and he pried through them luckily my face gently. I felt as the last of the wall crumbled and I cried into his fur as he continued to lick and nudge me gently. I looked up to see my friends standing around leaning against walls or just standing watching me cautiously with care in their eyes. I patted the couch and Nikki and Dream walked over sitting on the couch as well as Karl and Techno. I felt as Nikki gently grabbed my hand and I looked down to see that my cuticles were bleeding. I had been messing with them. She stood and grabbed a paper towel gently dabbing away the blood and throwing it away. "Yeahhh, Leo isn't trained to alert to that." Tubbo said jokingly. I laughed lightly making Leo thump his tail making me laugh once more.

After a while, Tubbo put Leo in his crate and we sat on the couch talking and hanging out. I realized that everything was okay and I didn't break Tommy. He was just a little cracked but not to any fault of my own. I knew that we patched those cracks to make them seem smaller. I was glad I got to be part of that patching process.

I heard Tommy's door open and heard as he went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I went back to looking at Twitter as after a while the group had decided to go on their phones. The shower soon turned off and I heard Tommy walk back to his room before emerging wrapped in a blanket and flopping on the couch gently laying his head in my lap. I willingly accepted glad he was finally comfortable enough to do so. I didn't mind his wet hair soaking into my pants and ran a gentle hand through his wet tangled hair so it wouldn't be as hard to brush it later. I smiled contentedly and went back to my phone.

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