Part 2 Chapter 4- First Day

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After a while Wilbur left and Tubbo slipped in, sitting on my bed.

"What was that about?" He asked, gesturing to the doorway Wil had just exited from.

"It was nothing, Wilbur just felt bad for the way he dealt with the flight. But I told him that it was okay." 

 "Oh, ok." He said, simply.

"Oh, and Tubbo-" I said as he stood leaving. 

He turned back.

"Does anyone know about what happened on the plane?" I asked cautiously.

He shook his head

"Can we not mention it?"

He nodded, walking out. I gave a small grateful smile before spreading out on my bed, and opening my phone to look through Twitter. 

After a while, the door bell notified the house of the food's arrival and we eagerly headed towards the kitchen as Dream set the final miscellaneous bags of food down. George promptly payed the delivery person, closing the door with a "Thank you."

I sat at the table, Leo quickly settling at my feet. Dream distributed the food, calling out the names as he did. He handed me my pasta and I stood, grabbing a fork. The little black spots speckling in my vision. I quickly sat back down with my fork, blinking them away. But people had noticed. Karl looked to me with concern, along with Sapnap and Ranboo. He gave a concerned smile and I returned it with a smile and a reassuring nod, opening my pasta. 

"Hey, Quackity?" I inquired, as I ate a piece of the pasta.

Quackity looked up, he looked to be anticipating the words to spew from my mouth.

"Can you go get my wa-" I began, quickly interrupted by Quackity's loud and excited exclamation of "Time me! Time me!"

He practically sprinted down the hall, a few hysterical laughs later and Quackity placed the water on the table puffing out his chest. 

I took a few gulps of my water and the group settled into their seats as we dissolved into comfortable conversation and jokes, all of us chowing down. 

Soon, the group was heading to the living room to chat and hang out after the day's long events. We had eaten at around 5 so it was more of an early dinner than a late lunch. We sat around talking for a bit 

"So, how was your flight?" Dream questioned, looking to Wilbur, who was sitting next to Tubbo and I. Wilbur went to open his mouth. But, I quickly cut him off.

"It was good." I said, calmly, hopefully masking my nervousness.

Wilbur nodded in agreement, quickly realizing my intentions.

"Yeah, nothing much,"

Dream nodded, I could tell he knew something was off but wasn't going to say anything. 

After awhile of more small talk, Dream went to his room returning with long skewers, several candy bars, a bag of marshmallows, and graham crackers. We practically jumped from our seats, knowing what he meant immediately. 

We went towards the backyard and Techno started the fire pit. 

I decided to leave Leo inside for his safety. 

Dream began to set all the supplies on the small table outside and we began making our s'mores, a good handful of us getting sticky marshmallow goo stuff to our faces and hands. But, nobody seemed to mind. After everyone had their share, we headed back inside. We were tired, and as everyone went to their respective rooms with a goodnight I couldn't help but smile. The first day of our 2 week trip and it was already so amazing. 

I headed back to my room collecting a few things.

 Then, went to one of the bathrooms that was unoccupied to get ready for bed, removing the sticky marshmallow goo from my hands and face. 

Eventually as I meandered back to my room, I put Leo in his crate and shut off the lights, climbing into my bed. This was going to be a good trip. Heck, I was satisfied with just this one great first day.

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