Chapter 8: The Reality

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(⚠️TW Seizure⚠️)

"Woah, Tommy!" Wilbur exclaimed.

"Oh my god" Quackity said immediately moving from setting up the console.

As he fell, Techno quickly reached out and caught him. He lowered the boy to the floor in the middle of the floor in the living room. 

"Right, he's having a seizure. I'm pretty sure it's a tonic-clonic, as that's what he usually has. As long as there's nothing around he could hit himself on we just have to let it ride out. Right now we're at the tonic part, but the spasms should start soon." Tubbo stated calmly.

"How are you so calm right now?" Wilbur asked as he sat on the edge of the couch near Tommy.

"Happens all the time, eventually you get used to it and learn what you need to know." He stated.

With that, a small inhale was heard as Tommy began to seize. Small grunts making noise. Leo quickly slid himself under Tommy's head. Tubbo positioned himself in front of Tommy's face, sitting with his legs crossed. 

"Will, could you grab me a flannel from the bathroom?" Tubbo asked.

Wilbur quickly stood, moving to the bathroom, and coming back very soon after.

"Alright, it looks like the seizures calming down so it was fairly short," He said. He turned Tommy on his side as Leo slid out from under his head laying parallel with Tommy's body, licking his hands as Tubbo wiped a bit of spittle from the boy's cheek.

"Right, he's gonna be pretty out of it when he wakes up, so try to stay a bit back and try not to make too much noise, yeah?"

"Got it." Niki said. The others agreeing.

Eventually Tommy groaned quietly. His eyes fluttering open a bit. 

"Hey Toms, you with us?" Tubbo asked.

"Mm." Was all he responded with. 

"Can you hear me?" Tubbo asked.

"Mhm" The boy responded.

"Alright, you know what happened?" Tubbo asked.

"Seizure?" He said, the word slurring a bit, like it was heavy on his tongue.

"Yep, right now you're in the living room. Leo's by your legs. Tech, Quackity, Wil, And Nikki are here at the moment." He stated.

Tommy began to sit up slowly, leaning on Tubbo for support. 

"You wanna move to the couch?" Tubbo questioned.

He nodded, to which Tubbo helped him stand and move to the couch. The boy falling asleep a bit after while the group sat with him watching TV.

*later that night*

Tommy woke up in darkness and sat up from his spot on the couch looking around to try and catch his bearings. He spotted people scattered on the floor and couch with blankets and pillows. He heard a voice.

"Tommy," Techno whispered.

"Hi" Tommy responded, also in a whisper.

"You okay?" Techno questioned.

"Yeah, what time is it?"

"It's about 2"

"I'm going to move to my room, okay?" 


Tommy stood up but felt his legs give out and he fell, hitting Wilbur.

"Shit, Tommy" Techno whisper yelled.

"What just happened?" Wilbur said drowsily.

"What's going on?" Tubbo said just waking up to the noise.

"Tommy woke up and tried to stand but he fell" Techno said.

"Oh shit, Tommy you alright?" Tubbo asked.

Tommy groaned out of frustration.

"What's up?"

"I need to go to my room, but my stupid god damn legs won't work"

"Do you want help" Tubbo asked.

"I want to be able to do it on my own" Tommy said stubbornly

"Tommy if it didn't work the first time, I'd assume it won't work the second time."

 "I don't want to seem weak Tubbo" He responded.

"You're not weak for needing a little bit of support Tommy"

"Hey Tech?"

Tommy said awkwardly.


"Do you think you could give me an assist?"

Techno stood and let Tommy put his arm around his shoulder lifting him bridal style. Tommy wrapped his arms around the man's neck. Techno set Tommy on his bed and he climbed under the sheets, exhausted with the events of the day.

"Night, Tommy" Tubbo said

He and Techno went to the living room. Wilbur sat messing with his nails and cuticles. 


"I-Is he okay?" Wilbur asked quietly as he looked up.

Tubbo crouched by Wilbur and held his shoulder. 

"Tommy's fine, it's nothing he can't handle. He's been doing this since he was 8 Wil, he's okay. I promise. I think he finally realized that asking for help is okay."

Wilbur wiped his face and that's when both Tubbo and Techno realized that Wilbur had been crying quietly from the living room while they had brought Tommy to his room.

Techno sat down with his legs crossed grabbed Wil's hand. 

"He's okay" Techno reassured.

At that moment, Wilbur let go of a breath that he seemed to have been holding since the start of the trip. And with that so came the floodgates. He sobbed quietly as relief washed over him but once the emotions had started he knew there was no stopping them. Tubbo stood behind Wilbur and threw his arms over Wilbur's shoulders. He smiled at the gesture as his breathing calmed and he minimized to sniffles. 

"He's okay." He said more to himself than anyone else

2 days later

Everyone left in their respective modes of transports and as they left, they each gave Tommy and Tubbo goodbye hugs. As Tubbo would stay with Tommy until his parents got home 2 days later. Wilbur hugged Tommy particularly tight but Tommy brushed it off to be nothing even though Tubbo and Techno glanced at him knowing the truth, but Tommy didn't need to know that.

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