Part 2 Chapter 9- Aid

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( ⚠️TW: Seizure mentions)

I woke up to darkness, I rolled over grabbing my phone from the table and checking the time. It was 6 am. I spotted a text from Tubbo, "Fed Leo last night" I smiled at his reassuring message. I felt awake and knew I couldn't just sleep until everyone woke up. I sat up patting Leo's head, I decided it would be best if I let him go to the bathroom since he hadn't gone in forever. I stood feeling slightly dizzy and I felt pain in my legs. Surprisingly after convulsing for a while your muscles get sore. I put on his collar and harness feeling bad he had to get straight to work. But then again he'd refrained from working for 17 hours and just zonked out with me. I clipped his harness and we headed to the backyard. I snatched his ball before we had gone hoping I could throw it a few times. 

We arrived outside and I sat in one of the chairs. I unclipped Leo's harness and set it in my lap to have readily available. I tossed his ball a few times which he eagerly brought back. He took a break to pee on a stray stick that stuck up from the ground slightly. I laughed at his antics and he quickly got back into position awaiting my throw. I threw the ball a few more times before he came back plopping down in front of me dramatically. Showing he was done. I smiled and clipped his harness back on. He led me back inside and I went to the sink filling a bowl of water for him and setting it on the ground. He gladly lapped it up and I smiled. I leaned on the table when I felt the aching pain surge through me, realizing that maybe I was more sore than I thought. Tubbo had mentioned at some point (though I couldn't remember when) that my seizure had lasted 3 minutes. A bit on the longer side, which is probably why I was so sore. Regardless, I'd need Leo to continue being my aid for the day, thank god he was a service dog. I realized it was now 7 and we had been throwing the ball longer than I thought, the sun was now rising. I slowly went to the living room to look though Twitter and YouTube. 

I looked to my phone to see it was now 8:30 and I had heard shuffling upstairs. I saw Dream come downstairs sleepily. "Morning," He said. I thought about saying something but I guess I was remaining non-verbal for the time being so I gave a head nod in response. "Hey Leo," he said with a yawn. He headed towards the couch and plopped down as Leo eagerly ran over. He gave him plenty of affection. Scratching right behind his head where his collar sat with enthusiasm despite his remaining sleepiness. I pulled up my app, "Morning, how'd you sleep?" it said louder than I expected. I quickly turned the volume down panicking at how loud it was, almost dropping my phone in the process. He wheezed grabbing his side leaning back. I started laughing too and we could barely control our noise. I put my finger to my lips as I heard noise from upstairs. He covered his mouth letting out quieter and muffled noises. George groggily came downstairs scratching his head, "What are you guys doing down here?" He said sleepily with annoyance in his voice. "Laughing," Dream said. I looked to my phone typing, "Sorry we woke you," I laughed as the robotic voice spoke quieter. "It's fine," George responded flopping on the couch. Leo trotted over and he draped his arm over him. Leo licked his face, "Ugh, slobber" he said. It just sent Dream and I back to laughing as Leo climbed on him licking his face. "It's not funny, I'm drowning over here." He said. I was practically cackling. Tubbo sleepily came from his room. "Okay we really need to shut up" my app said once I had finished typing. "It's literally so early," Tubbo said tiredly. "It's already like 9 dude." Dream said as his wheezes had died off. "Still, I'm tired." He said with a dramatic whine. George laughed at his performance as he managed to shove Leo off him. Leo headed to the new person in the room. Tubbo patted his head gently, "Morning, bud." He climbed to the free spot on the couch next to me, he laid down setting his head on the armrest facing inwards. He patted the couch inviting Leo up who graciously crawled into the spot between Tubbo and the back of the couch. He wrapped his arms around him and drifted back to sleep. I smiled and looked back to Dream who was now smiling as well. George was asleep with his arm hanging off.

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