Part 2 Chapter 11- Not a Burden

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(⚠️TW Fainting, panic attack mentions)

We finally got home everyone going to their rooms to clean up and change. We all felt mutually wiped. I went to my room, Leo guiding me. I took his harness off the second I got in, knowing that after a long day all he wanted to do was relax and nap without his bulky harness on. I ran a hand through my hair feeling the sweat and grease, I decided to take a shower so I collected my stuff and my clothes and headed to the bathroom slowly with Leo trailing behind. 

Leo laid on the bath mat as I finished rinsing my hair, he had to be able to reach me in case he needed to alert. I climbed out drying off and getting dressed. I saw a few dots cloud my vision remembering I'd had almost no water today and hadn't eaten anything in a while. I ran a brush through my hair, I'd just head to the kitchen as the dizziness wasn't that bad. 

I left and saw a few people in the kitchen. The dots started clouding more of my vision and I watched as my friends faces shifted. I felt as my knees went weak and saw Dream begin to run towards me. "Shit," I said quietly as I began to pass out.

I woke up to see that I was on the floor. My breathing picked up a bit. Dream didn't reach me, or they left me. What if my friends left me, ditched me. Do they even care about me? My head swirled until I heard a gentle voice. "Tommy? Hey, you passed out." I looked up to see that my head was in George's lap and he was smiling gently. "H-hi," I managed to push out. He let out a slight laugh, "Hi," he responded. "You wanna stand up?" He asked. I nodded, to which he helped me sit up, then stood giving me his hand which I gratefully took. I stood up and looked around, there was a handful of people on the different couches so I went and sat down in the living room next to Technoblade, sleepily leaning my head against his shoulder. While it surprised a few people, he seemed unphased as he slid back on the couch so I was leaning against the back of it. That way I didn't have to work to hold myself up. 

After gaining a bit of strength (and consciousness) back I joined in the conversation I had just been listening to. Eventually, George spoke up. "Hey! We were talking while you were, well while you were out, and we thought maybe we could have a chill night. Get some food, watch a movie, play a game or something?" I smiled, "That sounds perfect." I said relieved. It gained a few laughs which made me continue to smile. I felt Leo's head on my knee which made me realize I was shaking a bit. I really do need to eat. I earned a few concerned looks. "What are we getting for food," I said, trying to hint that I needed it. The group caught on and Tubbo chimed in, "Pizza, we should get pizza!" I laughed at his enthusiasm. Dream had a menu up but the group collectively decided on cheese and pepperoni which meant that wasn't much need for it. 

Eventually Dream and George left to get the pizza which of course warranted a few jokes from the rest of the group. We chatted on the couch for a while longer before deciding to setup the movie when Quackity called Sapnap a pussy and Sapnap began getting riled up. Eventually Karl calmed him down and we began to look through the movies. Hopefully, unlike the action movie last time this one would be a bit more calm. The memories of last time came back. The screaming loud in my ears like I was right there. My friends finding out about the panic attack. I felt my breathing pick up. I felt Techno shift but I chose to ignore it not looking in his direction. Leo trotted over, hopping on my lap. I scratched behind his ear appreciatively. I patted the couch to which he climbed up and into my lap to continue providing dpt. Wilbur scratched his back and I looked to him, causing Wilbur to pull his hand away. I reached out, placing his hand back on Leo and he smiled contentedly as our mutual communication ended and he turned back to the tv to look through the movies. Occasionally giving suggestions like, "Ooh that looks good," But, they were mostly ignored. Finally we settled on a movie and waited for Dream and George to return.

Dream came through the door first balancing about three pizzas while George followed behind with a single box and I couldn't help but laugh loudly. I stood to help considering he probably wouldn't be able to balance the teetering pile much longer. Leo had already left my lap at that point after a short while. I walked to the table and set it down. Nikki set down the plates and everyone served themselves their slices of choice. I ended up grabbing 2 slices of cheese and heading to the couch sitting down in my same original spot. I pulled my legs onto the couch and ate my pizza as we watched our lighthearted movie. I was content, and my friends had done all this for me but I wasn't a burden. We were all happy, comfortable, and most of all ready for whatever came our way.

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