Part 2 Chapter 5- Absent

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(Don't forget I'm not shipping anyone but you can interpret Dream and George how you'd like 😉 Also, if I can do anything to improve the story or if you have any suggestions let me know 😊 )

It was around 5:30 when I cracked open my eyes, I was an early riser, especially on holidays. The sun was just beginning to come up, the dawn creating a pretty purple-y hue in the sky. Though, it was still a bit dark out. 

Collecting my clothes for the day, I promptly changed into them, still in the dimness of my room. 

After grabbing my toothbrush, as well as my other morning essentials, I strolled to the bathroom, quickly finishing getting ready.  

I headed out to the kitchen to find the downstairs barren, after checking my phone, I realized it was only around 6. 

I had clipped on Leo's leash after deciding to take him for a short decompression walk, to stretch his legs, go to the bathroom, and let him sniff. I quickly remembered to put on his mesh reflective vest and added a "Seizure Alert" and "Service Dog" patch for good measure. 

I began to walk my way down the sidewalk, shooting a text to the chat explaining that I was taking Leo for a walk. Just to ease their worries. As we walked Leo trotted eagerly, slightly ahead of me and stopping to sniff every so often.

 I noticed another woman walking her dog, and had Leo come into a heal. She gave a friendly smile, and we continued on our way. I let Leo walk freely once more, after we had passed. 

Eventually as the sun rose further, and Leo had peed, we turned around and began to head back.

By the time we got home, I saw Wilbur, Sapnap, and Techno in the main living room area. "Morning, guys" I said eagerly. They all gave mumbled and tired greetings after looking up from their individual phone activities. I promptly un-vested and unleashed Leo, releasing him, to where Sapnap quickly showered him with affection.

I headed to my room to set his stuff down, while Leo eagerly accepted mostly Sapnap and Wilbur's love and Techno stayed reading his book. 

I headed back flopping on the couch. "What do you think we're gonna be doing?"

 I asked curiously. Wilbur shrugged and I smiled, "Guess we'll have to wait and see,"  

I leaned my head back, still remaining tired. 

Before I knew it my eyes were closed and I fell back asleep. 

When I woke up, I heard small conversation between Wilbur and Sapnap when I noticed my head resting one something sitting up. I realized I had fallen asleep with my head on Wilbur's shoulder. "S-sorry," I mumbled out still shaking the sleep from my eyes and brain. 

Wilbur smiled, "Tommy, it's fine really." 

I smiled back before heading to the kitchen, realizing how hungry I was. I grabbed a granola bar and flopped back down, eating the granola bar carefully to make sure I didn't get anything on the couch. I leaned back, analyzing those in the room. Techno was reading still, while Sapnap and Wilbur were making conversation talking about their streams and such. I wasn't quite listening, as I looked at my phone, checking Twitter, Instagram, etc. 

I heard a groan and some shuffling coming down the hall, indicating Tubbo was now awake. I checked my phone, now it was around 7. With a small tired smile he plopped on the couch and listened as they talked. 

When the conversation of travel came up, Wilbur mentioned the events surrounding the flight but didn't dare mention the actual flight. Leo soon walked up to Wilbur, placing his head on his lap, most likely sensing his anxiousness. Wilbur smiled, patting Leo's head but brushing him off. He continued to mess with his hands as he talked and Leo pushed his nose at Wilbur's hands. Finally, Leo climbed on Wil's lap with his front legs, providing pressure therapy. I watched as Wilbur relaxed, petting Leo calmly. I smiled that not only was my dog amazing at his job but that Wilbur had willingly accepted his comfort. 

After a while Leo had climbed on the couch but remained on Wilbur's lap. Dream walked in with a smile noticing all of us contentedly chatting. He tapped my shoulder motioning he wanted to talk. I followed and we stood in the hall. "What's up with Wil and Leo?" He asked, tilting his head. I smiled, "Leo noticed he was anxious and decided to comfort him," I responded, nervously realizing Dream would probably want a follow up on why he was anxious but Dream simply smiled and nodded, walking back into the living room. Dream flopped onto the opposing couch while I sat down between Wilbur and Tubbo. 

As more people began trickling in, it had reached 8 and our conversation was now filled with 11 people. We all laughed and talked as Leo crawled off Wilbur's lap to make his rounds to the now larger group of attention-givers.  I watched a bit of concern return to Wil's face and his leg began to bounce, but not to a point where anyone would notice. We continued talking, and I ended up moving just a bit closer to Wil and I saw his leg slow it's bouncing. 

After awhile, Nikki stood, walking to the kitchen. "Anyone want breakfast?" She said, grabbing eggs, bread, and other supplies she'd need.

 After all the requests had been voiced, she began to make food, after being joined by Karl, Sapnap, and Dream, that of which had to leave a barely awake George, who had been leaning against him. 

The scents wafted into the room as we continued talking, though Techno was still deeply engaged in his book. 

Suddenly, it was if the conversation had skipped. Suddenly, I noticed Leo, laying by my feet. I had had an absent seizure, and nobody had noticed. I tried my best to analyse my surroundings, that's when I turned to Tubbo who was engaged in the conversation. "Hey, I just had a seizure," I whispered. He nodded and grabbed my hand comfortingly to help ground me. I felt slightly less out of it, when I turned back the conversation was continuing but Wilbur was looking at me. "You okay, Tom? You spaced out pretty hard, I couldn't get your attention. I nudged you like 5 times." 

Everyone turned and their conversation ceased, after Wilbur had said his extra loud statement. "He had an absent seizure," Techno said, not even looking up from his book. 

"Wait, what? Tommy." Wilbur said touching my leg. 

"It's done, it's fine. I'm fine." I stated.

Internally, I was both relieved and annoyed with Techno. On one hand, he had done his research which made me happy and comforted. But on the other, he had revealed my secret. 

I grabbed Wilbur's hand, picking it from my lap and set it on the couch feeling my discomfort rise as the group's eyes sat on me. Eventually, conversation returned to normal. 

By that point, breakfast was ready so we all began to move towards the kitchen.

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