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From the far side of the street Nathan could see that the living room light of his apartment was on, but when he had left for work quite some time ago it had been quite bright, so he knew that he had not accidentally left it on. He entered the estate grounds after keying in the security code to the pedestrian gate and watched as that apartment light went out before he could even get to the steps that lead up to the apartment door.

His first thought was robbery with a burglar possibly still near, but Nathan quickly dismissed this due to the estate fencing thinking that it would make escape all the more difficult for potential burglars especially if he, she, or they were to take anything of substance and besides, as he took a moment or two to pause, he had not seen anyone enter or exit his apartment.

His second thought was that maybe his brother Hugh had paid him a visit. Hugh had been arguing quite a lot of late with his wife and had recently stayed over for a couple of nights with Nathan. This thought was quickly dismissed too as Nathan had no missed calls or text messages. Hugh had got a key to the apartment, but Nathan knew Hugh would call first before coming over.

Nathan slowly and nervously climbed the steps to his first-floor apartment, stopping to see if he could hear any voices coming from beyond the front door. He could hear the whispers of two voices, one seemed to be male voice and the other seemed female. Nathan couldn't make out what the whispers were saying as the voices echoed out. Yeah, even though they were only whispers, they were echoing out and Nathan couldn't even be sure of exactly where the voices were actually coming from.

The whispering echoes appeared to be all around him rather than being beyond the apartment door. If someone within the apartment was whispering, then it would be highly unlikely that Nathan would be able to hear them from outside and through a closed door.

Cautiously Nathan opened the door and turned on the light. There was no one in the living room or the adjoining kitchen. Continuing on inside there was no one in the hallway, utility room or bathroom. Both his bedroom and the guest room were also void of all life.

After a while of lying on his bed, Nathan could hear what seemed to be an echoing cry of a woman coming from the living room. He grabbed a steel chain he usually keeps next to his bed and made his way to the living room to be shocked in finding not a strange lady but his sister Helen sitting right there on the couch with her hands over her face and crying.

'Helen, what's wrong?' he asked reaching out to her with his left hand.

Further shock ensued when Nathan's left hand just seemed to pass right through his sister. His hand had passed through her face and head as if she weren't there at all.

'What the hell?' he asked out loud, and then it suddenly occurred to him, how did he come to find himself across the street from his apartment not all that long ago? Nathan usually drives home from work. He couldn't remember parking his car and if he had parked his car why was he out on the outside of the security gates and not inside by the resident car park?

Helen put her own hand to her face. She had felt something, something she was sure was her brothers touch and she also felt his confusion soon after. Her other brother Hugh moved to sit next to her telling her that they would get through this together.

'Get through what?' Nathan asked out loud.

'Nathan is here' Helen told Hugh and at that very moment Hugh could also somehow sense his brother.

A bright light from outside the living room window seemed to somehow turn night into day in an instant for Nathan. Neither Helen nor Hugh noticed this as for them it had been daytime for hours at this point.

'He doesn't know what happened; we must explain it to him.'

Hugh agreed with his sister and he began to address their big brother.

'On your way home from work, there was an accident. Your car was hit by an oncoming car, a drunk driver ...'

'No, I don't believe this ... that can't be', but Nathan knew somewhere within himself that this was and is true.

As Hugh was telling of what had happened, Nathan recalled that moment when a bright white headlight of an oncoming vehicle came right at him. Nathan had no time at all to react.

Helen continued 'Nathan that was almost four weeks ago, paramedics said you died instantly.'

'Four weeks ago? Nathan all of a sudden felt dizzy and lightheaded but since he no longer had a body it must just be the realization of all with which is occurring taking hold of him for his soul had been lost for all this time.

Helen and Hugh were at the apartment going through their brother's things before feeling his presence. The bright white light outside that had turned night into day for Nathan had now come inside to engulf the room. Nathan was drawn to it, he felt its warmth and comfort, and both Helen and Hugh knew it was time.

'I miss you so much' called out Helen as she couldn't prevent her tears from flowing.

'It is alright' Nathan told his sister reaching once again for her hand. Looking over at his brother Nathan told Hugh 'be good to our sister, I love both you guys and I always will.'

It's so odd how Helen and Hugh can almost hear their brother speak, as if his words were coming through their own minds. His passing, Nathan's passing into the light sent such an overwhelming feeling of peace through Helen and Hugh ensuring that they both will always treasure having had one more moment with their lost brother.

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