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Greg and Sam had never met prior to the day they accidentally collided with each other. There had been no malice, intent or even any real force in the collision but for something which had been so accidental it had been enough to knock both men off their feet.

Sam felt quite woozy, but he did however manage to get up quite quickly while quite oddly there was absolutely no movement at all from Greg. It took a moment or two for Sam to be able to tell that there was something more going on than him just being woozy. Something is very wrong, or at least quite different. Seemingly and all of a sudden, he knew just exactly who that man who lay before him was or is.

Yeah, strangers one moment and something else the next. Not only that, but Sam somehow was becoming that other man as while remaining himself at the same time too.

Sam had somehow acquired all of Greg's memories, but it was more than just having his memories. It was as if Greg's essence, his soul had left his own body and had joined Sam in Sam's body. This essence being felt or sensed as a small ball at first, stuck deep down somewhere within Sam, it grows quickly until it become an equal. Two entities coming together in one body, one belongs here, the other doesn't, then there is a mergence.

Wait, wait, this can't be, oh but it is. This, whatever it is, certainly is real.

A mergence of two into one to create a new soul, a new entity inside Sam, it being neither Sam nor Greg yet at the same time, both. So, this is why Greg had not moved at all since the collision and certainly this is not something that happens every day, if it is something that ever happens at all.

The two souls or essences are by no means separated. They may have been for a moment or so and now they have become one. It is not two minds working together or separately within one person. It is an amalgamation. There are two personas or were two personas that now work together as one within Sam's body. It may indeed be Sam's body, but he is now neither Sam nor even Greg for that matter but rather both Sam and Greg at the same time.

Even feeling it himself, this new entity knew he is not one nor the other and both together too. Oddly enough, before questioning anything, the who, why or how, or even checking on he who is laying still on the ground, this new dual singularity knew it would need a new reference name or title and this came quickly.

Again, it is not two minds feeling a need to come together to make a decision, it is one combined mind fining it extremely easy to make a decision. Sam's middle name is David, so the combination of Greg and Sam inside of Sam makes Dave.

Greg or at least Greg's body still remained motionless on the ground; next port of call is to address that. He was wearing a gold-plated chain with a small red crystal at its center and this crystal was glowing, intermittently. Greg had come across it earlier that day in a store while out wandering through the Chinatown area of his home city. The storekeeper had told him that it was one of only two such chains in existence. It had been believed and told that these chains held mystical properties, but this is surely just a myth, a story passed down through generations. Sometimes myth-like stories come from truths.

This mystical property tale certainly intrigued Greg as he loves hearing stories of such items holding unique and somewhat strange properties to them. He likes the thoughts and ideas that buildings could be haunted, or that certain items could bring luck and the likes of the story attached to that chain he had come across. At the same time, he didn't believe in such things but liked the idea behind them, so he felt that he just had to get that chain.

The storekeeper had been reluctant to sell the chain, but Greg felt that this was just all part of the mystery being pushed onto the item, part of something that is legend and only legend, so Greg remained persistent, and he eventually acquired the chain.

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