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What is that over there on the other side? I don't know, I can't quite see that far, but something is definitely there. Something is moving. It watches me ... is watching me. I think it wants me to go over there, maybe I will go over there sometime but I am not ready to go over just yet. I may never be ready to go over there, but the day will come when I guess I will have to go, there will be no choice.

Anyhow, I know I will go whether or not I believe and I most definitely do believe. Too much has already happened in aid of making sure I believe. I am convinced, are you? For the day will come.

How will I get there? What will be my means of transport? It is a very long way from here to there, yet somehow, I know the journey won't take all so long. In fact it is both instantaneous and long. Before that journey can begin, I have another journey to make, and I like to think that this other journey has a purpose, maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. No harm in believing. I have got to believe, don't you? What's the point, otherwise?

I once got to glimpse at whatever that is, over there, but it was just so far away, and I was just so young at the time. I didn't quite understand what it was that I was looking at even though it did stare me right in the face. It just wasn't the right time for me to see, not properly at least.

It was early in the day but late in the week, seconds passed like minutes, minutes passed like hours, hours passed like days, days passed like weeks, weeks passed like months and months passed like years, but time doesn't really matter unless the time happens to be now but right now is not my time and neither was it my time when I was so young.

Time may appear linear but isn't linear at all. It is a circle without beginning, without end, must everything have a beginning or end? A castle may stand for all time, but in order to do so it first needs to be built, right? A poem needs to be written if it is to be read in a time far from now, right? A beginning is irrelevant; time is irrelevant to whatever it is over there for it has always been there.

Will I ever truly see it in all its glory? If I haven't already, I am sure I will someday, but that day is not this day, this day belongs to me, this day belongs to you, it belongs to the birds and the bees, the flowers and the trees, it belongs to the first Ford Focus you see ... you belong to this day.

Continue forth from this day as one day we will meet on the other side, you, me and whatever it is that is already over there. The Ford Focus may just have to remain right where it is, however. We will all meet on the other side one day, but that day is still not this day.

One day I might look far enough to see what is on the other side and that day may come before the day that I actually get to go there but as for right now? Don't be scared, the day will come, the time will come. Can you hear it? Shush now ... something is coming.

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