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Sophie made her way home on a dark wet December evening and had been dreading this journey for some time prior to setting out on it. Her main cause of worry was to if her car would be up for the whole journey home. Not just home she wanted to get to, her car quite likely would get her that far but home home, where the family are, well that it's a bit further afield, that distance might just be a little too far. Car had been acting up lately including the trouble she had starting it early that morning for her trip into work.

That early morning trouble meant that she would be thirty minutes late for work. Sophie had so much to get through that she stayed behind for those extra thirty minutes after she was due to be off from shift so that her workload wouldn't fall behind any more than it already had been recently. So, with work, car trouble, wet weather, a longer trip and the current darkness, there is plenty to worry about in regard to making a move to the family home.

A point in the journey came where the upcoming road ahead is a long dark one, with roadside lighting being almost non-existent. Current rain fall is light, and the car is travelling well. Sophie turns her radio on to distract herself from thinking negative thoughts. She flicks through the stations until she comes to a song she likes and then begins to hum and sing away to herself.

Traffic too is light; the half hour difference in time from leaving work seems to have made at least a little difference. All is well until ... the full-on lights of an oncoming car almost blinds Sophie and its erratic movement is dangerous to say the least. She beeps and shouts out profanity as this vehicle passes. An accident could easily happen if that other driver doesn't begin to take more care on the road.

The passing car slows and performs an immediate U-turn before making a move to follow Sophie's car. Sophie all of a sudden feels regret for having beeped that other car as it had passed her. Does its driver mean her harm? This is all she needed. No harm had been done so couldn't that other driver just let things be? The now pursuing car quickly closes in on Sophie, beeping and flashing its lights as it does so.

Those pursuing lights shone bright in Sophie's rear view mirrors, once again they were quite blinding. If Sophie had reason to worry earlier in the day, she certainly does have reason to do so now. She begins to panic and also begins to increase her own speed. She has further cause to worry as her thoughts partly turn to the ability of her car to bring her to safety.

Sophie reaches into her handbag which was sits on the passenger seat and she attempts to get her phone. The distraction of reaching for her phone along with the speed she was travelling and the car behind her still beeping and flashing its lights almost lead to Sophie to lose control of her car while at the same time caused her to drop her mobile phone just as soon as she managed to get it out of her handbag. Having that happen was the last thing Sophie needed.

Further panic ensues when the other vehicle pulls up along Sophie. The male driver signals across and behind slightly with a pointing motion and Sophie presumed he wanted her to pull over. There was no way she was going to do that and have him berate her for an earlier reaction ... no thanks. The other car continued to beep and that just made Sophie want to go faster so she did pick up further speed and the accompanying car began to fall behind a little.

How long more could her car continue like this? How Sophie wished she had left work on time; all this could have been avoided or so she thought. She could be at home right now with her fiancée or at least be a lot closer to home than what she was or is at this point. Right now, she did not know if she would even get there at all.

A deer in the road up ahead would make Sophie break suddenly, bringing her car to a halt. As this happened, someone came from behind her, as in from the back seat of her own car, and this person came with such speed and force that he would be thrown right through the front windscreen. The deer on the road moved on unharmed, utter disaster had been avoided in one way though a man's body lay stretched out on the ground not far from where the deer had previously been. The pursuing car narrowly missed hitting the car it had been following, which of course was Sophie's car.

The male driver of this car got out and instantly went to check on the driver of the car he had been following. The reason why he had gone into pursuit mode was for when he and Sophie had their particular moment, he had seen a suspicious presence in that car he had come into contact with, so he stopped, turned, and followed in an attempt to warn the lady driver of a likely threat.

Sophie had come to be in a moment of shock, as it is however, she so happens to be physically unharmed. Her car ... well that has seen better days. Police and ambulances arrived about twenty minutes after the incident had concluded and the man on the ground never moved. He may have been thrown from a car though he still lives.

It was confirmed that this man was an escaped convict who had been serving life imprisonment for murder. He had sought refuse in Sophie's car and oddly enough it took a somewhat unsafe driver to in a way come to her rescue, safe to say this other fellow will ensure he does not take any unnecessary risks from here on in.

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