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I hear it said it is darkest when you cannot recall the exact moment that change took you though we don't really know anything about darkness or being taken anywhere by it, now do we? When the light leaves us and we are only left with the dark, there is only one place that any of us will go. Speaking of which ....

In total darkness you see nothing, nada, not a thing and all you can hear is the sound of your own breathing. You are lost and confused not knowing of where it is you are. Are you dreaming? ... if only ... You are soon consumed by the sound of your own heartbeat and it soon beats so hard and fast that it feels as if it just might beat right out of your chest or at least give your ear drums the sensation that they may just burst at any given moment ...

You briefly consider calling out an 'hello' but not knowing where you are or how you got there prevents you from doing so. Same goes for as far as moving. You indeed do not know where it is you are or what may or may not be close by. It soon becomes apparent that you have no choice in regards with moving for you are in a lying position and are unable to move. Are you strapped to what it is you lay upon? Yeah, it more than seems that you are.

What about clothing? You are not wearing very much, are you? You can feel a chill and that chill is enhanced by every single nuance that surrounds you. That chill hits your skin and hits you almost over your whole entire body, it moves through you, into you, right to the bone. Goosebumps ... you have never had them quite like this before. Perhaps where you are is being refrigerated to some degree.

As if there was not cause to do so already, you really begin to panic. This sense of panic seriously begins to heighten when the sound of a single scream echoes loudly. That sound is as much a waling screech as it is an echoing scream and is enough to make you jump if it weren't for the fact that you can't.

The combination of those sounds, your pounding heartbeat and that echoing scream could probably take you somewhere you do not want to be by themselves but unfortunately you are in such a place already. Where is this place? How did you get there, or rather ... here? You don't have any answers, do you? If you think about it, maybe you do have some answers.

That scream you heard along its echo tells you things. It lets you know you are not completely alone; it lets you know you are within a room for you can tell that the scream is coming from another room, a room or place very close to where you are, separated by at least a sturdy partition but most likely by a wall of some sort. It also tells you that you are in danger, as if you did not know that already. Is screaming something to come into your existence quite soon? A second scream echoes and that scream tells you that it just may be the final scream that its owner may ever be afforded.

Time is running out for whatever fate which has been bestowed upon the owner of the scream may just be the very same fate that awaits you. What is happening? What is going on? Why is this happening? And why is it happening to you?

Indeed, your time is up, or so it appears. The door to the room you lay within opens and the white light that shines through is so bright that it almost blinds you. The dark can do that, when and if light comes too quickly, forces you to only want to turn away back into that darkness.

The silhouette of a man stands in the doorway. You no longer lay in total darkness of course as there is that blinding white light though the rooms own illumination has also been turned up somewhat. The not such good news for you however is that despite the arrival of light, you will soon find a return to a darkness of sorts.

Unfortunately, this soon to be incoming darkness is not one with which you want to head into, or maybe it is, and if that want does exist then that may just be as much as or more unfortunate for those you may come in contact with. Has that want for darkness been building in you all along?

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