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I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing early this morning. I was tired and didn't particularly want to answer but the phone just kept on ringing. The call came with no caller ID so if I didn't answer I would not know who was calling, as if not knowing who may be calling if I didn't answer would actually bother me. As I answered I could hear my own 'hello' just echo out.

'I know what you've done' spoke a deep sounding male voice which I did not recognize.

'What?' I asked.

There was a pause of a few seconds before the voice continued.

'I know what you've done.'

'I didn't do anything ...', once again my voice echoed over the phone.

I had been dreaming deeply prior to awaking to this phone call so if I wasn't confused enough already then what was about to happen would seriously freak me out, seems as if I went from being tired and not particularly caring much to being quite freaked out in about six seconds.

'I was only just passing by' was the next sentence spoken on the call; strange thing was that it was my voice which spoke it and as it is, I had not said anything.

Yeah, I may not have said anything, but I definitely heard my own voice speak via the phone.

'I know what you have done, and when the police arrive who do you think they will believe?' spoke the deep sounding male voice that I still did not recognize.

'Police' I asked, 'what are you talking about?'

At this point there was a short silent pause after which I would hear my own voice speak again.

'If you are watching me, you know I didn't do anything.'

Like what had happened once already prior to this, I heard my voice over the phone, but I had not spoken.

The deeper voice continued once again, 'I may know that, but the police don't, so it's up to you, will you wait for them? Or will you run?'

I could only listen as my own voice would speak over the call once again 'I didn't do anything, it wasn't me', but what was this other version of me talking about? What did it mean? And how can there be another me? This call ... it's some sort of joke, a trick, right?

'The police will be there soon; if I were you, I would run.'

'Run? Who is this? What is going on?' I ask seemingly without having any effect on the call itself.

I hear my voice say, 'I have nothing to run from, I didn't do anything.'

'Your choice' the other voice came back, 'be seeing you in hell.'

I hear a train whistle on the phone and sirens go off before the call came to an end. Such a strange call but as the day went on, I forgot about it.

A few hours passed and the day was passing just like any other day until when, while out walking, I heard a woman's scream coming from down the hill over by the old train tracks. I ran down there to see what was happening only to find a young woman lying on the track and bleeding heavily. I took off my jacket and attempted to stop the bleeding then shouted out for help. No help came. The young woman didn't survive. I stood up and looked around. There didn't seem to be anyone around, anywhere.

My phone rang. I answered with a disheartened, despairing and worrying 'hello'.

'I know what you've done.'

At this point I was really confused. The voice which had just spoken was the same deep sounding male voice from the strange call I received when I awoke this morning.

The voice once again said 'I know what you've done.'

'I didn't do anything; I was just passing by.'

The conversation continued. 'I may know that, but the police don't so it's up to you, will you wait for them? Or will you run?'

'I didn't do anything, it wasn't me.'

'The police will be there soon; if I were you, I would run.'

'I have nothing to run from. I didn't do anything.'

'Your choice, be seeing you in hell.'

I am covered in the woman's blood from having tried to stop her bleeding. A train is approaching, and I can hear police sirens getting louder. Did I somehow hear this call this morning when I awoke? Had I somehow been privy to a call which had yet to happen? If so, then is it possible that I can prevent this day from happening? Prevent myself from being in such a situation? There is not much time to waste thinking, even less to go without action.

This all must be some sort of a scam; someone must be setting me up. I have to do something. Alright, first things first, if this all is time related and if I had indeed heard this call this morning then I know this call is about to end, so I shout into the phone in an attempt to warn my earlier self, 'don't go near the train tracks'.

How odd things feel. The really strange thing is that what happened by the train tracks feels so real, as if it has actually happened. Did it happen or did I just dream that something like this has happened, or is close to happening? I feel as if I have been up for hours, but the truth is that I have just got up out of bed and I feel quite dizzy. I haven't gone anywhere yet.

My phone is in my right hand. Have I just received a phone call? Or have I dreamt a very vivid dream? Scam? Why is this word in my head? And is there something about staying away from the train tracks? What would I want with train tracks? ...

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