Hi! This chapter is shorter than the first one. But I'll try to update more frequently , once every weekends most likely. Again, I just want to say Kuroko no Basket does not belong to me, as well as all the pictures. I only own my OC, Mizuki Yui.
" What are you all doing here?! Go back to your training! And Kuroko, if you don't stand up this instant, the training menu will be tripl- ", not even reaching the end of her sentence, the light blue hair boy, named Tetsuya Kuroko, had already stood up and continued running. Amidst all the commotions, someone walked in, unnoticed.
'Hmm.... They're quite good. But.......' Just then, a red haired boy did a double feint and broke past the defense . It's not enough, not if they want to beat THEM. 'Their offense is really good, especially that red headed guy. He just need to notice his talent and starts polishing it. Their defense is so-so. This will be hard... To be able to play against the GoM might be impossible at this point in time but... there's something about this team that makes me smile.'
As the Seirin basketball members joked around in the gym and slapped each other on the back, the splitting of how THEY used to be, entered her mind. Such precious memories, yet such painfully endearing ones. Just the thought of THEM, sent a piercing pain through her heart yet... she couldn't help but smile at the people gathered happily in front of her.
"End of training! That's all for today! " Riko Aida, coach of Seirin's basketball club, clapped her hands.
"Everyone, gather!", the glasses wearing captain, Hyuga Junpei, wasted no time to get everyone lined up before their coach.
While Riko went through some of the mistakes that had been made on court, the small girl walked out of her shadowed corner. "I... I would like to speak to Tetsuya Kuroko. " her graceful blue hair and shy personality stole the heart of many Seirin members.
Third POV
"OMG! What a kawaii girl! "
"Is she studying here?! Why have I never seen her before?"
"Did she say she was looking for Kuroko?! "
"Why would she look for Kuroko?! "
"It can't be?! "
"Such a cute chibi-chan! "
"Kuroko has a girlfriend?!?!?!?"
"Damn it! Lucky you Kuroko!!! "Each and every head turned towards the said player and their jaws dropped. It was their first time seeing their expressionless player looking as though he was a fish. A dying fish, that is. Kuroko Tetsuya stood staring wide-eyed at the small girl, mouth slightly agape. After few seconds, he seemed to have snapped out of it as the usually quiet boy opened his mouth to speak.
But his words came out raspy and barely audible, "M...Mizu-chan"
- Continue on next chapter -
Hope you like it! I know it was a really short chapter but i promise you guys the next will be way longer and a flashback is coming out soon. You guys will get to know who is the 'HE' soon , although i bet you guys already know. Anyway, I'll be updating soon and wish you HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! Here! Red packets for you all!!! ㊗️㊗️㊗️- CJ

The Ace of Diamond (Kuroko no Basket fanfics)(Aomine x oc)
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] "Do you want to join the basketball club? " His beautiful red hair glinted under the gentle touch of the sun rays as he moved the next Shogi piece. It started with just one question. A question he asked the aquamarine haired girl sitti...