I'm warning y'all first. This is my first time -I swear- writing lemons. (Urgh, I don't like the sound of that...) Okay so, this is my first time writing the in-depth happenings of a relationship. As in the mature stuff that happen in a mature relationship.
It might not be so intense yet, just lightly first. (Coz I'm just starting, a beginner, ya know? XD) And it might not be up to expectations coz this is really not my forte. But if you don't mind these short-comings of mine, then pleaseeeee read on.
But before reading this chapter, I really wanna improve so y'all have to promise me something, Kay? Pretty pleaseee! Promise me you'll just leave a comment (it can be just a word, I don't mind ;)) and tell me where to improve on~~~ like if my *ahem* lemons *cough* are not good enough and you know, stuff like that. Sankyuuuu!So I'm counting on y'all, my nakamaaaa!
So this chapter that I haven't post for so long (>< sowwyy) is dedicated to @Babykaikes only! From now on, she'll be my editor! Heheh, I'm really really touched that she doesn't mind taking the time to help me out! Thank you very very muchhhhh!!!!Ps: That's my current lock screen pic 👆🏻 Heheh, not bad right? Author-chan has awesome talent when it comes to finding cute pics! Just google search '(character name) chibi' and I swear your heart will jump out at all the cute sights.
Pps: This is me attempting to redeem myself (for my very very late chapter) with cute pic. XD
"Really?" He narrowed his eyes, a smirk on his face, "With GoM's Copycat and manager already having paid me a visit, I was wondering when you would come too. After all, Mizuki Yui-chan is your girlfriend, isn't she? Aren't you worried?"At this, Aomine stopped walking as a ferocious growl broke out on his bored face, "Don't you dare compare her to the likes of you. You succeeded in making an emotionless Tetsu angry. Congrats. But that's enough to mark your defeat. Don't bother dragging my Yui into this mess. It just means all the worse your death will be."
Third POV
He turned and walked away without a second glance.
'He must be out of his mind. Nobody ever got on her bad side for the fear of angering her. But he... He's actually dumb enough to provoke her. If he really manages to infuriate her, Akashi will either come here to stop her or run to the other end of the world himself.'
"Let's see... The inside is dangerous right now so we will have to change our plan a bit. Mizuki-chan you'll work with Kagami-kun on offense, Teppei and Hyuga-kun you'll.... Mizuki-chan are you listening?! " Riko stood threateningly before Mizuki with a purple aura that grew menacingly with each passing second.
The small girl suddenly blinked, as though she had just woken, before giving a charming smile to their coach who was standing in front of her.
"I did. " She nodded her head enthusiastically and convincingly, "The chocolate parfait was amazing." She gave a thumbs-up.
The paper fan Riko was holding hit her head mercilessly. "I wasn't talking about any parfait! "
"Owwie... " The small girl winced as she held the bump that was forming on her head.
The seniors couldn't help but snort under their breaths.
"You're not listening at all, Mizuki-chan!"
"Really, are deserts all you ever think about?"
"Hahaha, how cute!"The sound of more paper fan hitting heads was heard as Riko glowered above them all.
"Is this a joke? Should I double-... No, triple, all of your trainings?" Riko turned to Mizuki, "We've been going through strategies for the past few minutes, don't tell me you heard nothing at all?"

The Ace of Diamond (Kuroko no Basket fanfics)(Aomine x oc)
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] "Do you want to join the basketball club? " His beautiful red hair glinted under the gentle touch of the sun rays as he moved the next Shogi piece. It started with just one question. A question he asked the aquamarine haired girl sitti...