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I was going to write a special chapter to commemorate this incredible achievement, but because of school and family stuff, I ran out of time...oops.

Instead, I decided to just throw a little chapter in here to celebrate.

Over the course of one year, we have reached over 124,000 Reads, over 4,500 Votes, and OVER 12,000 COMMENTS!!!! I guess we could say y'all really like my series 😂😂😂

In addition to some incredible stats, I have somehow convinced you to simp for not only another fictional character, but a fictional character that only exists in a fanfiction. We have created a cult that is dead-set on killing Zuko (which I did not anticipate), and you guys have created DOZENS of memes and fan art that I absolutely ADORE!!!! This series has reached countries and people all over the world, and I think it's safe to assume that we have formed the most unlikely of friendships because of it (even if those bonds were created over a shared dislike of Zuko 😂😂😂).

I also would like to add that I am so grateful for my wonderful readers!!! I am honored every day to have the opportunity to share Elara's story with you, and I am so thankful for the support I have received while I've been writing these books. I mean seriously, do you know how good it feels to have people commenting and voting on a chapter mere SECONDS after releasing it?! Let me tell you, it feels pretty good. And people keep telling me that I have a fan base, which if that's really the case, then I hope we can stick together as I continue my writing passions to the end of this series and (hopefully) to other, original content 👀

Also, I have to admit, I have been worried about several of you as you have read my series as well (particularly those who have just recently found it), not only because I have grown to know some of you a little more personally through our interactions on Wattpad and Instagram, but also because I will sit by my phone and watch as some of you vote on every chapter in every book for days on end without stopping. But at the same time I am glad that I was able to entertain you well enough to want to keep reading, and I can only hope that I can continue to keep you entertained as we continue onwards.

I would also like to thank some of the people in my life for bearing with me as I write this book. My closest friends have let me talk their ear off as I fret about Elara and her story, my fellow writers have created a support system where we hype each other up when things get bad, and my family has been rather supportive of my writing hobbies (even if it is fanfiction 🤦‍♀️). Without your support and advice, I'm not too sure how far I would've gotten.

And now to some fun stuff!!! Here is some work by you guys to celebrate this one year anniversary:

k1llamiya made a beautiful piece on her account in honor of my anniversary that y'all should definitely check out!!!!



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