Chapter 22: The Ember Island Players

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A/N: Hey guys!!! This chapter is going to be a little bit different because I didn't actually do much of the writing. Instead, I opened it up for all you readers to have your way with the story and its characters thus far, and I'm excited to share what some of y'all have written. It's gonna be great because I love everything that has been sent in!!! I gave every writer their own creative liberties for this thing, be ready to see a few different takes on the Ember Island Players (I'm so hyped).


My contribution this episode is super small, but I just wanted to take a moment for you to do some imagining with me in relation to the actual Ember Island Players episode (I also didn't want to force any of y'all to go first😂)

I just imagine Elara being depicted as super OP and super rugged, like some kind of pirate in the play, and she spends most of her time flirting around will all the boys. I bet she even gets the special and only musical number because that actor is that extra. But here are a few other things to consider.

First, think about how the real Elara must have reacted when she watched her friends die (especially Zuko) at the end of the Ember Island Players. I can see some heartbreak and tears, in my opinion, and it's all just sad and sappy comfort trope stuff.

Second, in my head, I imagined that the fake Elara on stage was depicted having died after Ba Sing Se. Now, imagine Zuko's reaction to that. Imagine the guilt. The anger. Imagine the Gaang having to forcibly drag him out of the theater so that he wouldn't blow their cover trying to announce to the whole crowd that Elara wasn't dead and that the play writers were wrong. Yeah. Think of that.


- Elara -

After we rejoined the group, we were able to fly over to Zuko's old summer home on Ember Island without anymore kind of craziness. Except for when Katara decided it was her turn to take a field trip with Zuko to face the man who killed her mom. After that, she finally decided to trust him and we were all on his side. Since I finally fixed my connection with Yue and me and Zuko got back together, I actually started to feel better than I have in months. I started to eat more, my skin gained some color again, and the nightmares started to happen less frequently. I even started to practice my bending again, although it may take while to do the huge waves I used to. Some of us were just hanging around the house while Aang and Zuko were having a fire bending lesson when Sokka and Suki came by with a theater poster.

"Guess what! They're making a play about us! The adventures of the Avatar was written by a traveling earth kingdom playwright who has heard stories about us. They're playing it tonight, we got to see it!" He said it all excitedly.

Everyone else okay was with the idea except Zuko. "Ugh! I hate those players. My mom used to make us watch them every year and they would always butcher Love amongst Dragons." That's when I tried to cheer him up a little.

"Come on at least give it a chance." He still looks unconvinced. "Look, I'm not too sure about other people playing as me either. But I'm at least curious about what they got. Let's at least give it a chance and if we don't like it, you don't have to see another Ember Island play again."

That's when he finally caved. "Alright. Just this once, for you."

I tried to change the topic a little. "So, tell me more about Love amongst Dragons." Zuko then started to perk up a little.

"It's a forbidden love story between the fire dragon prince and the water dragon princess. It's actually a really good play when it's not done in Ember Island. It used to be my mother's favorite play." He looked slightly sad when he mentioned his mother. That's when I hugged him to try and to cheer him up.

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