Chapter 21.3: Home

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- Elara -

I tugged at the wrappings on my hands as Zuko and I settled in the Lunar Caves, the two of us gasping for breath after the strenuous hike up Mount Tui (although, Zuko's breathing seemed much more controlled than my own). We had made good time up the mountain even despite the unexpected difficulty, but that still only left me only a few minutes before the Moon's light would creep its way into position. I wouldn't have to scramble to get everything ready for an impromptu Moon Ceremony, but I also wasn't too keen on wasting any more time.

I laid out the tools I thought I might need on the ground before me, studying each object carefully as I tried to remember their designated purposes. Some moon rocks, ceremonial daggers, and sacred clothing all stared back at me aimlessly as I drew a blank, and after a moment, I quickly threw them into my sack to deal with later. I had no idea what I was doing, so I could only hope that none of those things were too important. For all intents and purposes, they were only decorative. They weren't important; at least, that was what I was hoping...

The only thing I knew I needed for sure was my waterskin which had been filled by the small stream running through my village. I had thrown it over to a nearby rock where it had slumped lifelessly into the concave shape of the stone, but even then, it still managed to mock me. During the speedily approaching ceremony, I would have no choice but to bend small spheres of condensed water to place on my skin for the spirit crap to work. I would have to use my bending. I hadn't done that since—

"What's wrong?"

I jumped as Zuko walked over to me, the boy squatting down to my level as I kept myself seated on the floor. I flushed briefly as I could somehow felt his presence physically pressing against me, so I made sure to keep my eyes trained on my waterskin to keep him from arriving at any stupid conclusions.

"There's nothing wrong," I fibbed despite the stone settling in my stomach. "I don't know what you're talking about."

I heard Zuko release a gentle sigh, almost as if he had been expecting that answer from me. "Don't lie to me, Elara. You've had the same look on your face all night." He inched his head forward slightly as he studied my expression, getting far too close for comfort. I tried to wipe my face clear of emotion, but it didn't work. He read me like a book.

"You're afraid."

I bolted upright as my stomach churned, my hands balling into fists instinctively as I has hit with a spike of adrenaline. "I'm not nervous!" I barked quickly, ignoring the slight waver in my voice. "I'm just preparing for the ceremony, and you're getting in my way!" Zuko looked at me innocently, his face creasing into a look of confusion only for a moment. I still had kept him in the dark as to why I had brought us here, and at that moment, I had no intent of telling him at all.

"Now, I need you to listen to me, and you better listen good," I continued, gathering my wits to the best of my ability as I structured a plan to keep Zuko out of sight and out of mind while I was communing with the Moon Spirit. "Starting now, you are going to leave me alone and sit in that corner over there while I meditate. You aren't going to move, you aren't going to speak, and if you even think for a moment about interrupting me, I'll make sure that the Moon Spirit herself will be the least of your worries. Do I make myself clear?"

Zuko nodded sadly as he rose from his squatting position, but he didn't immediately follow after my gesture as I had hoped he would. Instead, he was stupid enough to step closer to me, reaching out only briefly before gluing his hands to his side with a conscious effort. I had no idea what that boy was trying to do right then, but whatever it was must have been absolutely ridiculous because even he turned himself away from the idea.

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