Chapter 12.1: The One Who Dared

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(Warning: symptoms of trauma and eating disorders are discussed later in this chapter. May not be suitable for all readers (especially for those of you with emetophobia).)

- Zuko -

I paced the temple grounds as I listened to the Avatar and his friends as they glided through the ravine, my stomach churning as I cut a path into the floor with my anxious shuffling. I had been completely confident in my plan as I was leaving the Fire Nation, but now that I was here, I wasn't too sure. I had spent hours practicing what I would say to the Avatar when our paths ultimately crossed once again, but I knew that no amount of preparation would help me to restore what I had already broken. At least, not at first. They were going to be furious with me—and they had every right to be—but that didn't prevent me from hoping that everything would eventually work out in the end.

I spotted the Avatar's bison soaring back towards the temple, making its way to the exact place I had been standing. In the blink of an eye, my confidence evaporated, and I pulled myself behind a pillar to hide from the Avatar and his friends as they landed in the temple.

"Okay," I heard a familiar, child-like voice say as if to continue a conversation from earlier. "We can do that while I show you the giant Pai Sho table! You're gonna love the all-day echo chamber!"

"I think that'll have to wait," I heard a girl pipe up.

Almost as if her words had served as some kind of catalyst, the bison stepped aside to reveal my hiding place as I crept around the creature to get a better look at the Avatar and his group. For a moment, I considered falling in step with the beast as it wandered off so that I could get away unscathed, but I knew that wouldn't be an option. I had to stay. I had to do this.

I looked forward as I presented myself to my past enemies, plastering a timid smile on my face as I was greeted with the Avatar and his group. My sudden appearance was met with the steely glares from the teens in front of me, each of the four individuals uncomfortably familiar as I recognized their faces (as well as the terrible things I had done to them). I had anticipated this unwelcome reaction from the Avatar's group, but I was surprised to find that I didn't feel afraid. No. Instead, I was heartbroken because she wasn't there. Elara wasn't there.

I had known that the likelihood of Uncle getting Elara to the Avatar during the invasion was close to zero, but I had still allowed that little inkling of hope to survive—that small glimmer of a possibility that I might be able to see her again. I knew it was foolish, but I couldn't help it. I needed to know that she was okay. I needed to see it with my own eyes.

But I suppose that would have to wait for another day. I had a duty I needed to fulfill—to the Avatar, and to the world.

So, with one final breath and raising a timid arm in greeting, I spoke. "Hello, Zuko here." The kids just looked at me with horror as they failed to offer any kind of response, so I did my best to continue. "I heard you guys flying around down there, so I just thought I'd wait for you here."

As I spoke, I felt a massive presence approaching me from the right, and before I even had the chance to protect myself, I found myself face to face with the Avatar's bison, the creature having returned as his masters surely thought of the many different ways in which to kill me. The beast growled as we made eye contact, but instead of attacking me as I had expected, he decided to assault me with its massive, slobbery tongue (not quite the greeting I would've liked, but it was much better than getting eaten...I guess).

As I proceeded to wipe the bison's saliva off my face, I turned to look at the other kids once again. "I know you must be surprised to see me here—"

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