Chapter 17

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"You did what?" he asked shakily.

"I got my memory back," I said, the anger bubbling to the surface.

"So... you remember everything?"

"Yeah. And I remember everything you said and did to me while I didn't have my memory. How dare you? How fucking dare you?"

"How dare I what?" he asked, his fists clenched.

"How dare you pretend that you love me, that I could trust you, like nothing was wrong between us? How dare you do... things with me, take advantage of me and tell your friends about it and expect me to be ok with it? What's wrong with you?"

"Are you really yelling at me right now?"

I scoffed, fed up of his attitude.

"Don't even for a second think we are going back to that place, where you threatened me and I let you. I'm so done with you, constantly pushing me around, doing whatever you feel like. If you even dare touch me again, I will make sure, that you will wish that you had never hurt me."

"Have you ever thought about how I must have felt? I confessed my love for the girl who had been my friend for however many years, and all she did was reject me! Did you ever feel that maybe I felt upset, betrayed that you did that to me?"

"How about you?" I shouted back. "You promised you would never leave me! What happened to that?"

"You screwed that up! If you hadn't rejected me, I would never have left you! I wouldn't have hurt you, I would have loved you so much! But no, you never did that!"

I stayed silent, shocked by what he had told me. All these years, he blamed me for that? And the way he said it, that he would have loved me, just shocked me into silence.

"This is your problem. When everyone wants you to shut up, you don't stop talking. And when you talking would be the most helpful thing, all you do is act like you're a fucking mute. What's wrong with you?" he snarled.

He looked at me, disgusted, before storming out, slamming the door shut, leaving me standing there.


It had been two hours and no one knew where Ross was. He wasn't picking up his phone, or calling any of us back. We were all worried for him, worried what he might be doing, wondering what his mental state might be right now. Just as we were about to go looking for him, we heard he slam of the door, and saw him stumble in.

"Ross! Where were you?" Stormie asked.

"In... in a bar, my sorrows away," he slurred.

We gasped, horrified at how much he could have consumed.

"I'll help him to his room," I volunteered.

I went up to him, and placed my arm on his back, supporting him up. We stumbled to his room, where I helped him lay down on his bed, but he didn't want to sleep. He looked at me curiously.

"You're Alyssa, aren't you?"

I nodded, smiling softly.

"You're the one who broke my heart, right?" he asked sadly.

I bit my lip, and nodded again. His eyes darkened, and he stood up. He pinned me up against the door, and his hands went on my neck, choking me.

"Why? Why did you do that to me? Did you like seeing me suffer? Answer me!"

He was choking me, depriving me of any air.

"Ross... please st...op," I managed to get out.

"Why should I? You deserve this," he hissed.

I clawed at his hands, hoping he would let me go. I flailed my legs, until I finally hit him in his crotch, making him hiss in pain and release me, letting air back into my lungs. I rubbed my throat, hoping it would stop the uncomfortable feeling that seemed to be lodged there. He looked at me one last time, before crawling into his bed and falling asleep. I looked at him, before walking out, a sadness overcoming me at what he had turned into.

Oops, so it's been a little while, but it's not my fault! Blame my parents for taking my iPad away bc they think that I'll be on it too much in the holidays.

This was inspired by a chapter in Faking It by spork4me . Check it out if you haven't already!

QOTD: Do you think things will go back to normal now between Ross and Alyssa, once she forgives him for this incident, if she does?

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